TeX Live for *Open*BSD ====================== Contents -------- - [Current Release](#2024-release) - [Running TeX Live in OpenBSD](#running-tex-live-in-openbsd) - [Installing TeX Live on OpenBSD With Ready-to-Use Binaries](#installing-tex-live-on-openbsd-with-ready-to-use-binaries) - [Updating the Binaries Over the Course of the Year](#updating-the-binaries-over-the-course-of-the-year) - [Building the Sources](#building-the-sources) - [Acknowledgements](#acknowledgements) 2024 Release ------------ [Updated March 2, 2024] TeX Live for OpenBSD has just been launched. At the time of writing, it is meant for the [upcoming 2024 release of TeX Live](https://tug.org/texlive/pretest.html), and will always run on both -stable and -current versions of OpenBSD. Running TeX Live in OpenBSD --------------------------- There are two ways of using TeX Live in OpenBSD. 1. From ports. TeX Live is available in variety of “schemes” to wit different sets of package collections, of which a list can be found on [openports.pl](https://openports.pl/search?file=&pkgname=texlive).[^1] 2. By installing the “native” TeX Live over the internet, as described on [its home page](https://tug.org/texlive). This latter method facilitates the installation of new packages and the updating of existing ones. However, the binaries for OpenBSD are not currently part of the official TeX Live distribution. The reason for this is that the TeX Live binaries are published once a year while the OpenBSD system undergoes two updates a year. This page provides an easy way to build one's own TeX Live binaries for OpenBSD—either -stable or -current—through a simple script which is nothing but an adapted version of the one used to build TeX Live for the supported systems.[^2] Furthermore, *TeX Live for OpenBSD* provides ready-to-use binary sets for those who do not wish to compile their own. In addition to the standard binaries supported by TeX Live, TeX Live for OpenBSD provides the following: - xindy - LuaMetaTeX (ConTeXt) - asymptote biber will soon be added to this list. Installing TeX Live on OpenBSD with ready-to-use binaries --------------------------------------------------------- Please read first the reference page on this matter: . 1. Requirements: - curl - gpg - xz - p5-Tk 2. Acquire `install-tl-unx.tar.gz` from CTAN as described [on this page](https://tug.org/texlive/acquire-netinstall.html). - do: ```sh zcat < install-tl-unx.tar.gz | tar xf - ``` - do: (Replace with the actual date.) ```sh cd install-tl- ``` 3. Import the public key used to sign the archive: ```sh gpg --keyserver hkps://keys.openpgp.org --recv 1773E9248085C8C7 ``` 4. Clone this git repository and fetch the binaries: ```sh git clone https://git.sr.ht/~ralessi/texlive-openbsd cd texlive-openbsd make fetch ``` or ```sh git clone https://git.robertalessi.net/texlive-openbsd cd texlive-openbsd make fetch ``` 5. TeX Live can be installed as root or as a normal user. Make a decision, then do: ```sh cd .. ``` and proceed with the installation, as per the instructions displayed on the terminal. 6. Post-install actions. (What follows assumes that the installation has been performed as root. Adapt.) At the end of the installation, the script offers to create environment variables. Say no, then: 1. Edit root's `.profile` file and add the path to the binaries, like so (replace here and below `` with the actual year): ```sh # insert this line: TLBIN=/usr/local/texlive//bin/custom # modify this line like so: PATH=/sbin:/usr/sbin:/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/X11R6/bin:$TLBIN:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin ``` Make sure to insert `$TLBIN` *before* `/usr/local/bin`. Then do the same in other users' `.profile` files. 2. Edit `/etc/man.conf` (copy `/etc/examples/man.conf` to `/etc` if this file doesn't exist) and add the manpath to TL man files, like so: ``` manpath /usr/share/man manpath /usr/X11R6/man manpath /usr/local/man manpath /usr/local/texlive//texmf-dist/doc/man ``` 3. Symlink `texlive-fontconfig.conf` file to `/etc/fonts/conf.d/09-texlive.conf` and update the font cache: ```sh cd /etc/fonts/conf.d ln -sf /usr/local/texlive//texmf-var/fonts/conf/texlive-fontconfig.conf 09-texlive.conf fc-cache -fsv ``` 7. Reboot and enjoy TeX Live on OpenBSD! ### All by hand Direct link to the binaries: . Updating the binaries over the course of the year ------------------------------------------------- The requirements are the same as above. (Make sure you already have imported the public key used to sign the archives.) 1. Go to the directory where the texlive-openbsd git repository was cloned, then do: ```sh git pull make ``` 2. Proceed as per the instructions displayed on the terminal. Alternatively, the direct link to the binaries provided above can be used. Building the sources -------------------- ### References - General information: - Building GNU CLISP for xindy: ### Requirements - For texlive - git - gmake - rsync - subversion - wget - curl - For context: - cmake - ninja - For asymptote: - freeglut - eigen3 - py3-cson (run dependency for `xasy`) ### Getting the sources ```sh ./checkout-tl.sh ``` ### Building ```sh ./tl-build.sh ``` Acknowledgements ---------------- Special thanks go to the following people for their work and kind advice: Karl Berry, Nelson H. F. Beebe, Norbert Preining and Mojca Miklavec. Notes ----- [^1]: More information on how TL is built for OpenBSD here: [^2]: See . The `Build` script can be found here: .