TeX Live for *Open*BSD ====================== Contents -------- - [Current Release](#TL-year) - [Running TeX Live on *Open*BSD](#TL-OpenBSD) - [Installing TeX Live on *Open*BSD With Ready-to-Use Binaries](#Installing) - [Updating the Binaries Over the Course of the Year](#Updating) - [Building](#Building) - [Acknowledgements](#Ack) 2024 Release -------------------------------- [Updated March 2, 2024] TeX Live for *Open*BSD has just been launched. At the time of writing, it is meant for the [upcoming 2024 release of TeX Live](https://tug.org/texlive/pretest.html), and will always run on both -stable and -current versions of OpenBSD. Running TeX Live in *Open*BSD ---------------------------------------------------- There are two ways of using TeX Live in *Open*BSD. 1. From ports. TeX Live is available in variety of “schemes” to wit different sets of package collections, of which a list can be found on [openports.pl](https://openports.pl/search?file=&pkgname=texlive).[^1] 2. By installing the “native” TeX Live over the internet, as described on [its home page](https://tug.org/texlive). This latter method facilitates the installation of new packages and the updating of existing ones. However, the binaries for *Open*BSD are not currently part of the official TeX Live distribution. The reason for this is that the TeX Live binaries are published once a year while the OpenBSD system undergoes two updates a year. This page provides an easy way to build one's own TeX Live binaries for *Open*BSD—either -stable or -current—through a simple script which is nothing but an adapted version of the one used to build TeX Live for the supported systems.[^2] Furthermore, *TeX Live for OpenBSD* provides ready-to-use binary sets for those who do not wish to compile their own. In addition to the standard binaries supported by TeX Live, TeX Live for *Open*BSD provides the following: - xindy - LuaMetaTeX (ConTeXt) - asymptote biber will soon be added to this list. Installing TeX Live on *Open*BSD with ready-to-use binaries ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Please read first the reference page on this matter: . 1. Requirements: - curl - gpg - xz - p5-Tk 2. Acquire `install-tl-unx.tar.gz` from CTAN as described [on this page](https://tug.org/texlive/acquire-netinstall.html). - do: `zcat < install-tl-unx.tar.gz | tar xf -` - do: `cd install-tl-` (replace with the actual date.) 3. Import the public key used to sign the archive: ```sh gpg --keyserver pgp.mit.edu --recv 1773E9248085C8C7 ``` 4. Clone this git repository and fetch the binaries: ```sh git clone https://git.sr.ht/~ralessi/texlive-openbsd cd texlive-openbsd make fetch ``` or ```sh git clone https://git.robertalessi.net/texlive-openbsd cd texlive-openbsd make fetch ``` 5. Proceed with TL installation, as per the instructions displayed on the terminal. 6. Post-install actions. (What follows assumes that the installation has been performed as root. Adapt.) At the end of the installation, the script offers to create environment variables. Say no, then: 1. Edit root's `.profile` file and add the path to the binaries, like so (replace here and below `` with the actual year): ```sh # insert this line: TLBIN=/usr/local/texlive//bin/custom # modify this line like so: PATH=/sbin:/usr/sbin:/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/X11R6/bin:$TLBIN:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin ``` Make sure to insert `$TLBIN` *before* `/usr/local/bin`. Then do the same in other users' `.profile` files. 2. Edit `/etc/man.conf` (copy `/etc/examples/man.conf` to `/etc` if this file doesn't exist) and add the manpath to TL man files, like so: ``` manpath /usr/share/man manpath /usr/X11R6/man manpath /usr/local/man manpath /usr/local/texlive//texmf-dist/doc/man ``` 3. Symlink `texlive-fontconfig.conf` file to `/etc/fonts/conf.d/09-texlive.conf` and update the font cache: ```sh cd /etc/fonts/conf.d ln -sf /usr/local/texlive//texmf-var/fonts/conf/texlive-fontconfig.conf 09-texlive.conf fc-cache -fsv ``` 7. Reboot and enjoy TeX Live on *Open*BSD! ### All by hand Direct link to the binaries: . Updating the binaries over the course of the year ---------------------------------------------------------------------- The requirements are the same as above. (Make sure you already have imported the public key used to sign the archives.) 1. Go to the directory where the texlive-openbsd git repository was cloned, then do: ```sh git pull make ``` 2. Proceed as per the instructions displayed on the terminal. Alternatively, the direct link to the binaries provided above can be used. Building the sources ----------------------------------------- ### References - General information: - Building GNU CLISP for xindy: ### Requirements - For texlive - git - gmake - rsync - subversion - wget - curl - For context: - cmake - ninja - For asymptote: - freeglut - readline - eigen3 - py3-cson (run dependency for `xasy`) ### Getting the sources ```sh ./checkout-tl.sh ``` ### Building ```sh ./tl-build.sh ``` Acknowledgements -------------------------------- Special thanks go to the following people for their work and kind advice: Karl Berry, Nelson H. F. Beebe, Norbert Preining and Mojca Miklavec. Notes ----- [^1]: More information on how TL is built for *Open*BSD here: [^2]: See . The `Build` script can be found here: .