% \iffalse meta-comment % vim: textwidth=75 %<*internal> \iffalse % %<*readme> | -------:| ----------------------------------------------------------------- ekdosis:| Typesetting TEI xml compliant critical editions Author:| Robert Alessi E-mail:| alessi@robertalessi.net License:| Released under the GNU General Public License v3 or later See:| http://www.gnu.org/licenses/ Short description: Some text about the package: probably the same as the abstract. % %<*luapre> --[[ This file is part of the `ekdosis' package ekdosis -- Typesetting TEI xml compliant critical editions Copyright (C) 2016 Robert Alessi Please send error reports and suggestions for improvements to Robert Alessi This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see . --]] % %<*internal> \fi \def\nameofplainTeX{plain} \ifx\fmtname\nameofplainTeX\else \expandafter\begingroup \fi % %<*install> \input docstrip.tex \keepsilent \askforoverwritefalse \preamble -------:| ----------------------------------------------------------------- ekdosis:| Typesetting TEI xml compliant critical editions Author:| Robert Alessi E-mail:| alessi@robertalessi.net License:| Released under the GNU General Public License v3 or later See:| http://www.gnu.org/licenses/ This file is part of the `ekdosis' package ekdosis -- Typesetting TEI xml compliant critical editions Copyright (C) 2016 Robert Alessi Please send error reports and suggestions for improvements to Robert Alessi This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see . This work consists of the file ekdosis.dtx and a Makefile. Running "make" generates the derived files README, ekdosis.pdf and ekdosis.sty. Running "make inst" installs the files in the user's TeX tree. Running "make install" installs the files in the local TeX tree. \endpreamble \usedir{tex/lualatex/ekdosis} \generate{ \file{\jobname.sty}{\from{\jobname.dtx}{package}} } \nopreamble\nopostamble \usedir{tex/lualatex/ekdosis} \bgroup \catcode9=12 \generate{ \file{\jobname.lua}{ \from{\jobname.dtx}{luapre} \from{\jobname.dtx}{lua} } } \egroup % %\endbatchfile %<*internal> \usedir{source/lualatex/ekdosis} \generate{ \file{\jobname.ins}{\from{\jobname.dtx}{install}} } \nopreamble\nopostamble \usedir{doc/lualatex/ekdosis} \generate{ \file{README.txt}{\from{\jobname.dtx}{readme}} } \ifx\fmtname\nameofplainTeX \expandafter\endbatchfile \else \expandafter\endgroup \fi % % \fi % % \iffalse %<*driver> \ProvidesFile{ekdosis.dtx} % %\NeedsTeXFormat{LaTeX2e}[1999/12/01] %\ProvidesPackage{ekdosis} %<*package> [2019/04/01 v1.0 Typesetting TEI xml compliant critical editions] % %<*driver> \documentclass{ltxdoc} \usepackage[letterpaper,margin=25mm,left=50mm,nohead]{geometry} \usepackage{fontspec} \usepackage[english]{babel} \babelfont{rm}{Old Standard} \babelfont{sf}{NewComputerModern Sans} \babelfont{tt}{NewComputerModern Mono} \usepackage{metalogox} \usepackage{hologo} \usepackage{hyperxmp} \usepackage{uri} \usepackage[numbered]{hypdoc} \hypersetup{unicode=true, colorlinks, allcolors=blue, linktocpage=true, pdfauthor={Robert Alessi}, pdftitle={The ekdosis package}, pdfcontactemail={alessi@robertalessi.net}, pdfcontacturl={http://www.robertalessi.net/ekdosis}, pdfcopyright={Copyright (C) 2018 Robert Alessi . This document is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. To view a copy of this license, visit http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/ or send a letter to Creative Commons, PO Box 1866, Mountain View, CA 94042, USA.}, pdflicenseurl={https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/legalcode}, pdfmetalang={en-US}, pdftype={Text}, pdfkeywords={Arabic language, arabtex, luatex}} \usepackage[lot]{multitoc} \usepackage{ekdosis} \usepackage{arabluatex} \usepackage{relsize} \usepackage{units} \usepackage[newfloat=true]{minted} \newminted[ekdlua]{lua}{linenos, fontsize=\relsize{-0.5}, xleftmargin=12pt, breaklines, numberblanklines=false, numbersep=3pt, firstnumber=last} \renewcommand{\theFancyVerbLine}{\rmfamily\smaller\arabic{FancyVerbLine}} \usepackage[contents]{colordoc} \newcommand{\package}[1]{\textsf{#1}\index{#1=#1 (package)}} \usepackage{tikz} \usepackage[breakable, skins, xparse, minted]{tcolorbox} \usepackage{etoc} \etocsettocdepth{paragraph} \newcommand{\ekdtableofcontents}{% \begingroup \etocsetstyle{section}{}{} {\etocsavedsectiontocline{% \numberline{\etocnumber}\etocname}{\etocpage}}{} \etocsetstyle{subsection}{}{} {\etocsavedsubsectiontocline{% \numberline{\etocnumber}\etocname}{\etocpage}}{}% \etocsetstyle{subsubsection}{}{} {\etocsavedsubsubsectiontocline{% \numberline{\etocnumber}\etocname}{\etocpage}}{}% \etocsetstyle{paragraph}{}{\leftskip2cm\rightskip 2.2em \parfillskip 0pt plus 1fil\relax \nobreak} {\noindent\etocname{} \etocpage{} }{\par}% \etocmulticolstyle[2]{\section*{Contents}} \pdfbookmark[1]{Contents}{toc} \tableofcontents \endgroup} \EnableCrossrefs \CodelineIndex \RecordChanges %\OnlyDescription \begin{document} \DocInput{\jobname.dtx} \PrintChanges \PrintIndex \end{document} % % \fi % % \CheckSum{0} % % \CharacterTable % {Upper-case \A\B\C\D\E\F\G\H\I\J\K\L\M\N\O\P\Q\R\S\T\U\V\W\X\Y\Z % Lower-case \a\b\c\d\e\f\g\h\i\j\k\l\m\n\o\p\q\r\s\t\u\v\w\x\y\z % Digits \0\1\2\3\4\5\6\7\8\9 % Exclamation \! Double quote \" Hash (number) \# % Dollar \$ Percent \% Ampersand \& % Acute accent \' Left paren \( Right paren \) % Asterisk \* Plus \+ Comma \, % Minus \- Point \. Solidus \/ % Colon \: Semicolon \; Less than \< % Equals \= Greater than \> Question mark \? % Commercial at \@ Left bracket \[ Backslash \\ % Right bracket \] Circumflex \^ Underscore \_ % Grave accent \` Left brace \{ Vertical bar \| % Right brace \} Tilde \~} % % \GetFileInfo{\jobname.dtx} % \DoNotIndex{\newcommand,\newenvironment} % % \title{\tcbox[colframe=black, enhanced, tikznode, drop lifted % shadow, colback=white, boxrule=.25mm]% % {ἔκδοσις\\ % Typesetting \texttt{TEI xml} compliant critical editions\\ % \fileversion\ --- \filedate}} % % \author{Robert Alessi \\ % \href{mailto:alessi@robertalessi.net?Subject=ekdosis package}% % {\texttt{alessi@robertalessi.net}}} % % \date{} % % \maketitle % \footnotesize % \ekdtableofcontents % \normalsize % %\changes{v1.00}{2016/08/03}{First public release} % % \begin{abstract} % ==== Put abstract text here. ==== % \end{abstract} % % \section{Usage} % % ==== Put descriptive text here. ==== % % \DescribeMacro{\dummyMacro} % This macro does nothing.\index{doing nothing|usage} It is merely an % example. If this were a real macro, you would put a paragraph here % describing what the macro is supposed to do, what its mandatory and % optional arguments are, and so forth. % % \DescribeEnv{dummyEnv} % This environment does nothing. It is merely an example. % If this were a real environment, you would put a paragraph here % describing what the environment is supposed to do, what its % mandatory and optional arguments are, and so forth. % % \section{Grid} % \begin{keyfigure}[H]{c={Grid % typesetting},l={fig:grid-typesetting},t={Each square in the grid % has a side length of \unit[10]{pt}. Therefore, the distance % between the last line of the text and the first line of the % apparatus is here approximately \unit[25]{pt}.}} % \begin{tikzpicture} % \draw[lightgray,thin] (0.5,0.5) grid [step=10pt] (10,5); % % \path node [align=justify, text width=8cm] at (5.5,3) {% % I saw my friend Peter at the station yesterday. I saw my friend % Peter at the station yesterday. I saw my friend Peter at the % station yesterday. I saw my friend Peter at the station % yesterday.\par % \rule{3cm}{0.01cm}\par\footnotesize% % \textbf{1}~Peter A: John B \textbf{2}~Peter A: John B % \textbf{3}~Peter A: John B \textbf{4}~Peter A: John B}; \node at % (0,3) {\scriptsize $\approx$ \unit[25]{pt}}; \draw [->] (0,2.9) % -- (0,2); % \end{tikzpicture} % \end{keyfigure} % % \section{Implementation} % % \iffalse %<*package> % \fi % % \package{ekdosis} relies on Lua functions and tables. Read the % |.lua| files that accompany \package{ekdosis} for more % information. % \begin{macrocode} \RequirePackage{iftex} % \end{macrocode} % \package{ekdosis} requires {\LuaLaTeX} of course. Issue an error % if the document is processed with another engine. % \begin{macrocode} \RequireLuaTeX % \end{macrocode} % Packages that are required by \package{ekdosis}: % \begin{macrocode} \RequirePackage{xkeyval} \newif\if@pkg@float \newif\if@pkg@footins \define@choicekey{ekdosis.sty}{layout}{float, footins}[float]{% \edef\layout@float{float} \edef\layout@footins{footins} \edef\@tempa{#1} \ifx\@tempa\layout@float\@pkg@floattrue\fi \ifx\@tempa\layout@footins\@pkg@floatfalse\@pkg@footinstrue\fi } \newif\if@parnotesroman \newif\if@pkg@parnotes \define@choicekey+{ekdosis.sty}{parnotes}{true, false, roman}[true]{% \edef\@pntrue{true}\edef\@pnfalse{false}\edef\@pnrm{roman} \edef\@tempa{#1} \ifx\@tempa\@pnfalse \else \ifx\@tempa\@pntrue\@pkg@parnotestrue \else \ifx\@tempa\@pnrm \@pkg@parnotestrue\@parnotesromantrue \fi\fi\fi }{\PackageWarning{ekdosis}{parnotes: erroneous input (ignored)}} \newif\iftei@export \define@choicekey{ekdosis.sty}{teiexport}{true, false, tidy}[true]{% 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\luadirect{ekdosis.closestream()} } % \end{macrocode} % Build and process the list of witnesses and hands. % \begin{macrocode} \options{ /witness/.new family, /witness/settlement/.new value = {}, /witness/repository/.new value = {}, /witness/idno/.new value = {}, /witness/msName/.new value = {}, /witness/origDate/.new value = {} } \NewDocumentCommand{\DeclareNewWitness}{m m m O{}}{% \bgroup \options{/witness,#4} \letoption{/witness/settlement}\settlement@value \letoption{/witness/repository}\repository@value \letoption{/witness/idno}\idno@value \letoption{/witness/msName}\msName@value \letoption{/witness/origDate}\origDate@value \luadirect{ekdosis.newwitness( \luastringN{#1}, \luastringN{#2}, \luastringN{#3}, \luastringO{\settlement@value}, \luastringO{\repository@value}, \luastringO{\idno@value}, \luastringO{\msName@value}, \luastringO{\origDate@value})} \egroup } \@onlypreamble\DeclareNewWitness \NewDocumentCommand{\DeclareNewHand}{m m m +O{}}{ 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\getrefnumber{\luadirect{tex.sprint(ekdosis.getprevlnlab())}-b} \else \getrefnumber{\luadirect{tex.sprint(ekdosis.getlnlab())}-b}% \fi% }{\getrefnumber{\luadirect{tex.sprint(ekdosis.getlnlab())}-b}} \else \ifsubsq@unit% % \ifnum% \getrefnumber{\luadirect{tex.sprint(ekdosis.getlnlab())}-b} = \getrefnumber{\luadirect{tex.sprint(ekdosis.getprevlnlab())}-b} \else \getrefnumber{\luadirect{tex.sprint(ekdosis.getlnlab())}-b}% \fi % \else \getrefnumber{\luadirect{tex.sprint(ekdosis.getlnlab())}-b}% \fi \fi % \else \getrefnumber{\luadirect{tex.sprint(ekdosis.getlnlab())}-b}--% \getrefnumber{\luadirect{tex.sprint(ekdosis.getlnlab())}-e}% \fi% \else \getrefnumber{\luadirect{tex.sprint(ekdosis.getlnlab())}-b}--% \getpagerefnumber{\luadirect{tex.sprint(ekdosis.getlnlab())}-e}.% \getrefnumber{\luadirect{tex.sprint(ekdosis.getlnlab())}-e}% \fi% } }% \define@cmdkeys[ekd]{lemrdg}[ekdlr@]{wit, alt, pre, post, prewit, postwit} \define@cmdkey[ekd]{lem}[ekdl@]{sep}{} \presetkeys[ekd]{lem}{sep=\ekdsep}{} 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\ifdefined\ekdlr@post% \space\unexpanded\expandafter{\ekdlr@post}\space\else\fi {\textdir TRT\unexpanded\expandafter{\ekdlr@alt}}% \ifdefined\ekdlr@pre% \space\unexpanded\expandafter{\ekdlr@pre}\space\else\fi \else \ifdefined\ekdlr@post% \space\unexpanded\expandafter{\ekdlr@post}\space\else\fi {\textdir TRT\unexpanded{#2}}% \ifdefined\ekdlr@pre% \space\unexpanded\expandafter{\ekdlr@pre}\space\else\fi \fi \ifdefined\ekdlr@postwit% \space\unexpanded\expandafter{\ekdlr@postwit}\else\fi \ifdefined\ekdlr@wit\space\getsiglum{\ekdlr@wit}\else\fi \ifdefined\ekdlr@prewit% \space\unexpanded\expandafter{\ekdlr@prewit}\space\else\fi \ifekdl@nosep\else\unexpanded\expandafter{\ekdl@sep}\fi }% }% {% \edef\lem@app{% % \hskip .75em \ifekd@mapps \ifbool{subsq@unit@\ekdan@type}% {\ekd@munit@delim}{}% \else% \ifsubsq@unit\unexpanded\expandafter{\ekd@unit@delim}\fi% \fi% \current@ref%\hskip .25em \ifdefined\ekdlr@alt% \ifdefined\ekdlr@pre% \space\unexpanded\expandafter{\ekdlr@pre}\space\else\fi \ltx@ifpackageloaded{babel}% {\noexpand\selectlanguage{\languagename}% \unexpanded\expandafter{\ekdlr@alt}}% {\unexpanded\expandafter{\ekdlr@alt}}% \ifdefined\ekdlr@post% \space\unexpanded\expandafter{\ekdlr@post}\space\else\fi \else \ifdefined\ekdlr@pre% \space\unexpanded\expandafter{\ekdlr@pre}\space\else\fi \ltx@ifpackageloaded{babel}% {\noexpand\selectlanguage{\languagename}\unexpanded{#2}}{% \unexpanded{#2}}% \ifdefined\ekdlr@post% \space\unexpanded\expandafter{\ekdlr@post}\space\else\fi \fi \ifdefined\ekdlr@prewit% \space\unexpanded\expandafter{\ekdlr@prewit}\space\else\fi \ifdefined\ekdlr@wit\space\getsiglum{\ekdlr@wit}\else\fi \ifdefined\ekdlr@postwit% \space\unexpanded\expandafter{\ekdlr@postwit}\else\fi \ifekdl@nosep\else\unexpanded\expandafter{\ekdl@sep}\fi }% }% \fi% \ifekd@mapps% \append@ln@app[\ekdan@type]{\lem@app}% \else% \append@ln@app{\lem@app}% \fi% \egroup% \ekd@isinlemfalse% \subsq@unittrue% } \NewDocumentCommand{\rdg}{O{} m}{% \bgroup% \setkeys[ekd]{lemrdg,rdg}{#1}% % \ifekdr@nordg\append@app{}\else% do we need \append@app{} here? If % % so, keep in mind \ifekd@mapps, % like so: \ifekdr@nordg% \ifekd@mapps% \append@app[\ekdan@type]{}% \else% \append@app{}% \fi% \else% \ifbool{al@rlmode}{% \edef\rdg@app{% \ifdefined\ekdlr@alt% \ifdefined\ekdlr@post% \space\unexpanded\expandafter{\ekdlr@post}\space\else\fi {\textdir TRT\unexpanded\expandafter{\ekdlr@alt}}% \ifdefined\ekdlr@pre% \space\unexpanded\expandafter{\ekdlr@pre}\space\else\fi \else \ifdefined\ekdlr@post% \space\unexpanded\expandafter{\ekdlr@post}\space\else\fi {\textdir TRT\unexpanded{#2}}% \ifdefined\ekdlr@pre% \space\unexpanded\expandafter{\ekdlr@pre}\space\else\fi \fi \ifdefined\ekdlr@postwit% \space\unexpanded\expandafter{\ekdlr@postwit}\else\fi \ifdefined\ekdlr@wit\space\getsiglum{\ekdlr@wit}\else\fi \ifdefined\ekdlr@prewit% \space\unexpanded\expandafter{\ekdlr@prewit}\space\else\fi }% }% {% \edef\rdg@app{% \ifdefined\ekdlr@alt% \ifdefined\ekdlr@pre% \space\unexpanded\expandafter{\ekdlr@pre}\space\else\fi \ltx@ifpackageloaded{babel}% {\noexpand\selectlanguage{\languagename}% \unexpanded\expandafter{\ekdlr@alt}}% {\unexpanded\expandafter{\ekdlr@alt}}% \ifdefined\ekdlr@post% \space\unexpanded\expandafter{\ekdlr@post}\space\else\fi \else \ifdefined\ekdlr@pre% \space\unexpanded\expandafter{\ekdlr@pre}\space\else\fi \ltx@ifpackageloaded{babel}% {\noexpand\selectlanguage{\languagename}\unexpanded{#2}}{% \unexpanded{#2}}% \ifdefined\ekdlr@post% \space\unexpanded\expandafter{\ekdlr@post}\space\else\fi \fi \ifdefined\ekdlr@prewit% \space\unexpanded\expandafter{\ekdlr@prewit}\space\else\fi \ifdefined\ekdlr@wit\space\getsiglum{\ekdlr@wit}\else\fi \ifdefined\ekdlr@postwit% \space\unexpanded\expandafter{\ekdlr@postwit}\else\fi }% }% \ifekd@mapps% \append@app[\ekdan@type]{\rdg@app}% \else% \append@app{\rdg@app}% \fi% \fi% \egroup% } \define@cmdkeys[ekd]{note}[ekdn@]{lem, labelb, labele} \define@cmdkey[ekd]{note}[ekdn@]{sep}{} \presetkeys[ekd]{note}{sep=\ekdsep}{} \NewDocumentCommand{\note@noapp}{O{} +m}{% \presetkeys[ekd]{appnote}{type=default}{}% \bgroup% \setkeys[ekd]{appnote,note}{#1}% \stepcounter{ekd@lab}% \zlabel{ekd:\theekd@lab}% \luadirect{ekdosis.storeabspg( \luastring{\zref@extract{ekd:\theekd@lab}{abspage}})}% \ifekd@state\add@apparatus\fi% \luadirect{% ekdosis.storeabspg(\luastring{\zref@extract{ekd:\theekd@lab}{abspage}}, "pg_ii")}% \ifekd@mapps% \ifnum% \luadirect{tex.sprint(ekdosis.get_bagunits(\luastringO{\ekdan@type}))} = 1 \boolfalse{subsq@unit@\ekdan@type}% \fi% \luadirect{ekdosis.increment_bagunits(\luastringO{\ekdan@type})}% \def\ekd@munit@delim{% \luadirect{tex.sprint(ekdosis.getappdelim(\luastringO{\ekdan@type}))}}% \fi% \ifdefined\ekdn@labelb% \luadirect{tex.sprint(ekdosis.setnotelab(\luastringO{\ekdn@labelb}))}% \ifdefined\ekdn@labele\else\def\ekdn@labele{\ekdn@labelb}\fi% \else\PackageError{ekdosis}{missing labelb}{`labelb' must be set.}\fi% \ifbool{al@rlmode}% {\edef\note@contents{% % \hskip .75em \ifekd@mapps \ifbool{subsq@unit@\ekdan@type}% {\ekd@munit@delim}{}% \else% \ifsubsq@unit\unexpanded\expandafter{\ekd@unit@delim}\fi% \fi% \current@ref@arg{\ekdn@labelb}{\ekdn@labele}%\hskip .25em \ifdefined\ekdn@lem% {\textdir TRT\unexpanded\expandafter{\ekdn@lem}}% \unexpanded\expandafter{\ekdn@sep}\else\fi% {\textdir TRT\unexpanded{#2}}}}% {\edef\note@contents{% % \hskip .75em \ifekd@mapps \ifbool{subsq@unit@\ekdan@type}% {\ekd@munit@delim}{}% \else% \ifsubsq@unit\unexpanded\expandafter{\ekd@unit@delim}\fi% \fi% \current@ref@arg{\ekdn@labelb}{\ekdn@labele}%\hskip .25em \ifdefined\ekdn@lem \ltx@ifpackageloaded{babel}% {\noexpand\selectlanguage{\languagename}% \unexpanded\expandafter{\ekdn@lem}}% {\unexpanded\expandafter{\ekdn@lem}}% \unexpanded\expandafter{\ekdn@sep}\else\fi% \ltx@ifpackageloaded{babel}% {\noexpand\selectlanguage{\languagename}\unexpanded{#2}}{% \unexpanded{#2}}}}% \ifekd@mapps% \unconditional@appin[\ekdan@type]{\note@contents}% \else% \unconditional@appin{\note@contents}% \fi% \luadirect{ekdosis.setprevnotelab(\luastringO{\ekdn@labelb})}% \egroup% \subsq@unittrue% } \options{ /note/.new family, /note/pre/.new value = {}, /note/post/.new value = {} } \NewDocumentCommand{\ekd@note}{O{} m}{% \bgroup% \options{/note,#1}% \letoption{/note/pre}\pre@value% \letoption{/note/post}\post@value% \edef\note@contents{% \ifoptionvoid{/note/pre}{}{% \unexpanded\expandafter{\pre@value}}% \unexpanded{#2}% \ifoptionvoid{/note/post}{}{% \unexpanded\expandafter{\post@value}}% }% \append@app{\note@contents}% \egroup% } \NewDocumentCommand{\ekd@note@star}{O{} m}{% \if@pkg@parnotes \bgroup% \options{/note,#1}% \letoption{/note/pre}\pre@value% \letoption{/note/post}\post@value% \edef\note@contents{% \ifoptionvoid{/note/pre}{}{% \unexpanded\expandafter{\pre@value}}% \unskip\noexpand\parnote{#2}% \ifoptionvoid{/note/post}{}{% \unexpanded\expandafter{\post@value}}% } \append@app{\note@contents}% \egroup% \else \append@app{\unskip\footnote{#2}}% \fi% } \NewDocumentCommand{\note@app}{s O{} +m}{% \ifbool{al@rlmode}{% \IfBooleanTF{#1}{\ekd@note@star[#2]{\unexpanded{% {\textdir TRT#3}}}} {\ekd@note[#2]{\unexpanded{{\textdir TRT#3}}}}% }{% \IfBooleanTF{#1}{\ekd@note@star[#2]{\unexpanded{#3}}} {\ekd@note[#2]{\unexpanded{#3}}}% }% } \NewDocumentCommand{\note}{s O{} +m}{% \ifekd@state% \ifekd@isinapp% \ifekd@isinlem% \note@noapp[#2]{#3}% \else% \IfBooleanTF{#1}{\note@app*[#2]{#3}}{\note@app[#2]{#3}}% \fi% \else% \note@noapp[#2]{#3}% \fi% \fi% } \NewDocumentCommand{\apparatus}{}{% \luadirect{tex.sprint(ekdosis.appout())}} \NewDocumentCommand{\test@apparatus}{}{% \luadirect{tex.sprint(ekdosis.testapparatus())}} \NewDocumentCommand{\EkdosisStart}{}{% \stepcounter{ekd@lab}% \zlabel{ekd:\theekd@lab}% \luadirect{% ekdosis.storeabspg(\luastring{\zref@extract{ekd:\theekd@lab}{abspage}}, "pg_i")}% } \NewDocumentCommand{\EkdosisOn}{}{\ekd@statetrue} \NewDocumentCommand{\EkdosisOff}{}{% \ekd@statefalse% } \NewDocumentEnvironment{ekdosis}{+b}{% \begin{linenumbers} \EkdosisStart \EkdosisOn#1}{% \EkdosisOff \end{linenumbers}% \iftei@export\luadirect{ekdosis.exporttei(\luastringN{#1})}\else\fi} % \end{macrocode} % Very basic implementation of poetry lines:--- % \begin{macrocode} \newlength{\ekdverseindentlength} \setlength{\ekdverseindentlength}{\parindent} \newenvironment*{ekdverse}[1][\ekdverseindentlength]{ \begin{list}{}{% \setlength{\leftmargin}{#1} \setlength{\itemsep}{0pt} \setlength{\topsep}{0pt} \setlength{\partopsep}{0pt} } \item[] }{\end{list}} % \end{macrocode} % % \iffalse % % \fi % \StopEventually{} % \Finale % \iffalse %<*lua> % \fi % \begin{ekdlua} -- `' -- This table will hold the functions: ekdosis = {} -- lpeg equivalent for string.gsub() local function gsub(s, patt, repl) patt = lpeg.P(patt) patt = lpeg.Cs((patt / repl + 1)^0) return lpeg.match(patt, s) end -- some basic patterns: local ascii = lpeg.R("az", "AZ", "@@") local dblbkslash = lpeg.Cs("\\") local bsqbrackets = lpeg.Cs{ "[" * ((1 - lpeg.S"[]") + lpeg.V(1))^0 * "]" } local bcbraces = lpeg.Cs{ "{" * ((1 - lpeg.S"{}") + lpeg.V(1))^0 * "}" } local spce = lpeg.Cs(" ") local spcenc = lpeg.P(" ") local cmdstar = lpeg.Cs(spce * lpeg.P("*")) local bsqbracketsii = lpeg.Cs(bsqbrackets^-2) local bcbracesii = lpeg.Cs(bcbraces^-2) local cmd = lpeg.Cs(dblbkslash * ascii^1 * cmdstar^-1) local rawcmd = lpeg.Cs(dblbkslash * ascii^1) local aftercmd = lpeg.Cs(lpeg.S("*[{,.?;:'`\"") + dblbkslash) local cmdargs = lpeg.Cs(spce^-1 * bsqbracketsii * bcbracesii * bsqbrackets^-1) local app = lpeg.Cs("app") local lemrdg = lpeg.Cs(lpeg.Cs("lem") + lpeg.Cs("rdg")) local note = lpeg.Cs("note") local lnbrk = lpeg.Cs("\\\\") local poemline = lpeg.Cs(lnbrk * bsqbrackets^-1) local endpoem = lpeg.Cs(lnbrk * lpeg.S("*!") * bsqbrackets^-1) -- Bind to local variables local next = next -- Booleans local tei_p_open = false -- General xmlids = {} local function xmlidfound(element) for i = 1,#xmlids do if xmlids[i].xmlid == element then return true end end return false end -- Witnesses listWit = {} idsRend = {} shorthands = {} local function isfound(table, value) for i = 1,#table do if table[i] == value then return true end end return false end local function isintable(table, value) for i = 1,#table do if table[i].a == value then return true end end return false end local function getindex(id, table) local idfound = nil for i = 1,#table do if table[i].xmlid == id then idfound = i break end end return idfound end function ekdosis.newwitness(id, siglum, description, Settlement, Repository, Idno, MsName, OrigDate) if xmlidfound(id) then tex.print("\\unexpanded{\\PackageWarning{ekdosis}{\"" ..id.. "\" already exists as a xml:id. " .. "Please pick another id.}}") else table.insert(xmlids, {xmlid = id}) table.sort(xmlids, function(a ,b) return(#a.xmlid > #b.xmlid) end) table.insert(idsRend, {xmlid = id, abbr = siglum}) table.sort(idsRend, function(a ,b) return(#a.xmlid > #b.xmlid) end) table.insert(listWit, {xmlid = id, abbr = siglum, detailsDesc = description, msIdentifier = { settlement = Settlement, repository = Repository, idno = Idno, msName = MsName} }) local indexwit = getindex(id, listWit) if OrigDate ~= "" then listWit[indexwit].history = {} listWit[indexwit].history.origin = {origDate = OrigDate} end end return true end function ekdosis.newhand(id, witid, siglum, description) if xmlidfound(id) or not xmlidfound(witid) then tex.print("\\unexpanded{\\PackageWarning{ekdosis}{\"" ..id.. "\" already exists as a xml:id. " .. "Please pick another id.}}") else table.insert(xmlids, {xmlid = id}) table.sort(xmlids, function(a ,b) return(#a.xmlid > #b.xmlid) end) table.insert(idsRend, {xmlid = id, abbr = siglum}) table.sort(idsRend, function(a ,b) return(#a.xmlid > #b.xmlid) end) local indexwit = getindex(witid, listWit) -- listWit[indexwit].handDesc = {xmlid = id, abbr = siglum, handNote = description} if listWit[indexwit].handDesc == nil then listWit[indexwit].handDesc = {} else end table.insert(listWit[indexwit].handDesc, {xmlid = id, abbr = siglum, detailsDesc = description}) end return true end function ekdosis.newshorthand(id, rend, xmlids) if isintable(shorthands, id) then tex.print("\\unexpanded{\\PackageWarning{ekdosis}{\"" ..id.. "\" already exists as a shorthand. " .. "Please pick another shorthand.}}") else table.insert(shorthands, { a = id, b = rend, c = xmlids }) table.sort(shorthands, function(a ,b) return(#a.a > #b.a) end) table.insert(idsRend, {xmlid = id, abbr = rend}) table.sort(idsRend, function(a ,b) return(#a.xmlid > #b.xmlid) end) end return true end local xmlbibresource = nil function ekdosis.setxmlbibresource(str) xmlbibresource = str..".xml" return true end function ekdosis.newscholar(id, siglum) if xmlidfound(id) then tex.print("\\unexpanded{\\PackageWarning{ekdosis}{\"" ..id.. "\" already exists as a xml:id. " .. "Please pick another id.}}") else table.insert(xmlids, {xmlid = id}) table.sort(xmlids, function(a ,b) return(#a.xmlid > #b.xmlid) end) table.insert(idsRend, {xmlid = id, abbr = siglum}) table.sort(idsRend, function(a ,b) return(#a.xmlid > #b.xmlid) end) end return true end function ekdosis.getsiglum(str, opt) str = str.."," str = string.gsub(str, "%s-(%,)", "%1") ctrl = str if opt == "tei" then for i = 1,#shorthands do str = string.gsub(str, shorthands[i].a, shorthands[i].c) end for i = 1,#idsRend do str = string.gsub(str, "(%f[%w])"..idsRend[i].xmlid.."(%,)", "%1#"..idsRend[i].xmlid.."%2") ctrl = string.gsub(ctrl, idsRend[i].xmlid.."%,", "") end str = string.gsub(str, "%,(%s-)([%#])", " %2") str = string.gsub(str, "%,$", "") else for i = 1,#idsRend do str = string.gsub(str, idsRend[i].xmlid.."%,", idsRend[i].abbr) ctrl = string.gsub(ctrl, idsRend[i].xmlid.."%,", "") end end -- if string.find(ctrl, "[A-Za-z0-9]") if string.find(ctrl, "%S") then return "" else return str end end -- begin totei functions local cmdtotags = { {a="textsuperscript", b="hi", c=" rend=\"sup\""}, {a="textsubscript", b="hi", c=" rend=\"sub\""}, {a="LRfootnote", b="note", c=" place=\"bottom\""}, {a="RLfootnote", b="note", c=" place=\"bottom\""}, {a="footnote", b="note", c=" place=\"bottom\""}, {a="txtrans", b="s", c=" xml:lang=\"arb-Latn\" type=\"transliterated\""}, {a="textbf", b="hi", c=" rend=\"bold\""}, {a="textit", b="hi", c=" rend=\"italic\""}, {a="textsc", b="hi", c=" rend=\"smallcaps\""}, {a="textsf", b="hi", c=" rend=\"sf\""}, {a="arbup", b="hi", c=" rend=\"sup\""}, {a="txarb", b="s", c=" xml:lang=\"arb\""}, {a="arb", b="s", c=" xml:lang=\"arb-Latn\" type=\"transliterated\" subtype=\"arabtex\""} } local texpatttotags = { {a="\\icite%s?%[(.-)%]{(.-)}", b="%1"}, {a="\\icite%s?{(.-)}", b=""} } local envtotags = { {a="ekdverse", b="lg", c=""}, {a="txarabtr", b="p", c=" xml:lang=\"arb-Latn\" type=\"transliterated\""}, {a="txarab", b="p", c=" xml:lang=\"arb\""}, {a="center", b="p", c=" rend=\"centered\""}, {a="verse", b="lg", c=""}, {a="arab", b="p", c=" xml:lang=\"arb-Latn\" type=\"transliterated\" subtype=\"arabtex\""} } local close_p = { "p", "lg" } function ekdosis.newcmdtotag(cmd, tag, attr) if isintable(cmdtotags, cmd) then tex.print("\\unexpanded{\\PackageWarning{ekdosis}{\"" ..cmd.. "\" already exists as a known command to be processed to TEI. " .. "Please pick another command.}}") else table.insert(cmdtotags, {a = cmd, b = tag, c = " "..attr}) table.sort(cmdtotags, function(a ,b) return(#a.a > #b.a) end) end return true end function ekdosis.newpatttotag(pat, repl) pat = string.gsub(pat, "([%[%]])", "%%%1") pat = string.gsub(pat, "%#[1-9]", "(.-)") repl = string.gsub(repl, "%#([1-9])", "%%%1") table.insert(texpatttotags, { a = pat, b = repl }) return true end function ekdosis.newenvtotag(env, tag, attr, closep) if isintable(envtotags, env) then tex.print("\\unexpanded{\\PackageWarning{ekdosis}{\"" ..cmd.. "\" already exists as a known environment to be processed to TEI. " .. "Please pick another environment name.}}") else table.insert(envtotags, {a = env, b = tag, c = " "..attr}) table.sort(envtotags, function(a ,b) return(#a.a > #b.a) end) if closep == "yes" then table.insert(close_p, tag) else end end return true end local function xml_entities(str) str = string.gsub(str, "%<", "<") str = string.gsub(str, "%>", ">") return str end local function note_totei(str) str = gsub(str, dblbkslash * note * spcenc^-1 * bsqbrackets * bcbraces * spcenc^-1, function(bkslash, cmd, opt, arg) opt = string.sub(opt, 2, -2) arg = string.sub(arg, 2, -2) teitype = string.match(opt, "%f[%w]type%s?%=%s?%b{}") or string.match(opt, "%f[%w]type%s?%=%s?%w+%f[%W]") or "" teitype = string.gsub(teitype, "type%s?%=%s?(%b{})", function(bbraces) bbraces = string.sub(bbraces, 2, -2) return string.format("%s", bbraces) end) teitype = string.gsub(teitype, "(type%s?%=%s?)(%w+%f[%W])", "%2") right = string.match(opt, "%f[%w]labelb%s?%=%s?%b{}") or string.match(opt, "%f[%w]labelb%s?%=%s?%w+%f[%W]") or "" right = string.gsub(right, "labelb%s?%=%s?(%b{})", function(bbraces) bbraces = string.sub(bbraces, 2, -2) return string.format("%s", bbraces) end) right = string.gsub(right, "(labelb%s?%=%s?)(%w+%f[%W])", "%2") left = string.match(opt, "%f[%w]labele%s?%=%s?%b{}") or string.match(opt, "%f[%w]labele%s?%=%s?%w+%f[%W]") or "" left = string.gsub(left, "labele%s?%=%s?(%b{})", function(bbraces) bbraces = string.sub(bbraces, 2, -2) return string.format("%s", bbraces) end) left = string.gsub(left, "(labele%s?%=%s?)(%w+%f[%W])", "%2") if left ~= "" and teitype ~= "" then return string.format( "<%s type=\"%s\" target=\"#range(right(%s),left(%s))\">%s", cmd, teitype, right, left, arg, cmd, right) elseif left ~= "" and teitype == "" then return string.format( "<%s target=\"#range(right(%s),left(%s))\">%s", cmd, right, left, arg, cmd, right) elseif left == "" and teitype ~= "" then return string.format( "<%s type=\"%s\" target=\"#right(%s)\">%s", cmd, teitype, right, arg, cmd, right) else return string.format("<%s target=\"#right(%s)\">%s", cmd, right, arg, cmd, right) end end) return str end local function app_totei(str) str = gsub(str, dblbkslash * app * spcenc^-1 * bsqbrackets * bcbraces * spcenc^-1, function(bkslash, cmd, opt, arg) opt = string.sub(opt, 2, -2) arg = string.sub(arg, 2, -2) opt = string.match(opt, "%f[%w]type%s?%=%s?%b{}") or string.match(opt, "%f[%w]type%s?%=%s?%w+%f[%W]") or "" opt = string.gsub(opt, "type%s?%=%s?(%b{})", function(bbraces) bbraces = string.sub(bbraces, 2, -2) return string.format("%s", bbraces) end) opt = string.gsub(opt, "(type%s?%=%s?)(%w+%f[%W])", "%2") return app_totei(string.format("<%s type=\"%s\">%s", cmd, opt, arg, cmd)) end) return str end local function lem_rdg_totei(str) str = gsub(str, spcenc^-1 * dblbkslash * lemrdg * spcenc^-1 * bsqbrackets * bcbraces * spcenc^-1, function(bkslash, cmd, opt, arg) opt = string.sub(opt, 2, -2) arg = string.sub(arg, 2, -2) opt = string.match(opt, "%f[%w]wit%s?%=%s?%b{}") or string.match(opt, "%f[%w]wit%s?%=%s?%w+%f[%W]") or "" opt = string.gsub(opt, "wit%s?%=%s?(%b{})", function(bbraces) bbraces = string.sub(bbraces, 2, -2) bbraces = ekdosis.getsiglum(bbraces, "tei") return string.format("%s", bbraces) end) opt = string.gsub(opt, "(wit%s?%=%s?)(%w+%f[%W])", function(attr, value) value = ekdosis.getsiglum(value, "tei") return string.format("%s", value) end) return lem_rdg_totei(string.format("<%s wit=\"%s\">%s", cmd, opt, arg, cmd)) end) str = gsub(str, spcenc^-0 * dblbkslash * lemrdg * spcenc^-1 * bcbraces * spcenc^-1, function(bkslash, cmd, arg) arg = string.sub(arg, 2, -2) return lem_rdg_totei(string.format("<%s>%s", cmd, arg, cmd)) end) str = string.gsub(str, "(%.-)(%)(.-%<%/lem%>)", "%1%3%2") return str end local function linestotei(str) str = "\n"..str -- str = gsub(str, endpoem, "\n") str = gsub(str, poemline * lpeg.P(">"), "\n") str = gsub(str, poemline, "\n") str = str.."\n" return str end -- better use lpeg: look into this later local function versetotei(str) str = string.gsub(str, "(\\begin%s?%{ekdverse%})(%b[])(.-)(\\end%s?%{ekdverse%})", function(benv, opt, arg, eenv) arg = linestotei(arg) return string.format("%s%s%s%s", benv, opt, arg, eenv) end) str = string.gsub(str, "(\\begin%s?%{ekdverse%})(.-)(\\end%s?%{ekdverse%})", function(benv, arg, eenv) arg = linestotei(arg) return string.format("%s%s%s", benv, arg, eenv) end) str = string.gsub(str, "(\\begin%s?%{verse%})(%b[])(.-)(\\end%s?%{verse%})", function(benv, opt, arg, eenv) arg = linestotei(arg) return string.format("%s%s%s%s", benv, opt, arg, eenv) end) str = string.gsub(str, "(\\begin%s?%{verse%})(.-)(\\end%s?%{verse%})", function(benv, arg, eenv) arg = linestotei(arg) return string.format("%s%s%s", benv, arg, eenv) end) return str end local function envtotei(str) for i = 1,#envtotags do if envtotags[i].b ~= "" then -- if tei_p_open and envtotags[i].b == "p" or envtotags[i].b == "lg" if tei_p_open and isfound(close_p, envtotags[i].b) then str = gsub(str, lpeg.P("\\begin") * spcenc^-1 * lpeg.P("{") * lpeg.Cs(envtotags[i].a) * lpeg.P("}") * bsqbracketsii * bcbracesii * spcenc^-1, "

\n<"..envtotags[i].b..envtotags[i].c..">") str = gsub(str, spcenc^-1 * lpeg.P("\\end") * spcenc^-1 * lpeg.P("{") * lpeg.Cs(envtotags[i].a) * lpeg.P("}"), "\n

") else str = gsub(str, lpeg.P("\\begin") * spcenc^-1 * lpeg.P("{") * lpeg.Cs(envtotags[i].a) * lpeg.P("}") * bsqbracketsii * bcbracesii * spcenc^-1, "<"..envtotags[i].b..envtotags[i].c..">") str = gsub(str, spcenc^-1 * lpeg.P("\\end") * spcenc^-1 * lpeg.P("{") * lpeg.Cs(envtotags[i].a) * lpeg.P("}"), "") end else str = gsub(str, lpeg.P("\\begin") * spcenc^-1 * lpeg.P("{") * lpeg.Cs(envtotags[i].a) * lpeg.P("}") * bsqbracketsii * bcbracesii * spcenc^-1, "") str = gsub(str, spcenc^-1 * lpeg.P("\\end") * spcenc^-1 * lpeg.P("{") * lpeg.Cs(envtotags[i].a) * lpeg.P("}"), "") end end str = gsub(str, lpeg.P("\\begin") * spcenc^-1 * lpeg.P("{") * lpeg.Cs(ascii^1) * lpeg.P("}") * bsqbracketsii * bcbracesii * spcenc^-1, "<%1>") str = gsub(str, spcenc^-1 * lpeg.P("\\end") * spcenc^-1 * lpeg.P("{") * lpeg.Cs(ascii^1) * lpeg.P("}") * bsqbracketsii * bcbracesii, "") return str end local function texpatttotei(str) for i = 1,#texpatttotags do str = string.gsub(str, texpatttotags[i].a, texpatttotags[i].b) end return str end local function cmdtotei(str) for i = 1,#cmdtotags do str = gsub(str, lpeg.P("\\") * lpeg.Cs(cmdtotags[i].a) * spcenc^-1 * bsqbrackets * -bcbraces, "\\%1%2{}") str = gsub(str, lpeg.P("\\") * lpeg.Cs(cmdtotags[i].a) * spcenc^-1 * -(bsqbrackets + bcbraces), "\\%1[]{}") str = string.gsub(str, "(\\"..cmdtotags[i].a..")%s?%*?(%b{})", "%1[]%2") str = string.gsub(str, "(\\"..cmdtotags[i].a..")%s?%*?(%b[])(%b{})", function(cmd, arg, body) body = string.sub(body, 2, -2) arg = string.sub(arg, 2, -2) arg = string.gsub(arg, "(%b{})", function(braces) braces = string.sub(braces, 2, -2) return string.format("\"%s\"", braces) end) body = cmdtotei(body) -- return string.format("<"..cmdtotags[i].b..cmdtotags[i].c.." %s>%s", arg, body) if cmdtotags[i].b ~= "" then return string.format("<"..cmdtotags[i].b..cmdtotags[i].c..">%s", body) else return "" end end) end -- temporarily: str = string.gsub(str, "\\(linelabel)%s?(%b{})", function(cmd, body) body = string.sub(body, 2, -2) body = cmdtotei(body) return string.format("", body) end) str = string.gsub(str, "\\(%a+)%s?%*?(%b[])(%b{})", function(cmd, opt, body) body = string.sub(body, 2, -2) body = cmdtotei(body) return string.format("<%s>%s", cmd, body, cmd) end) str = string.gsub(str, "\\(%a+)%s?%*?(%b{})", function(cmd, body) body = string.sub(body, 2, -2) body = cmdtotei(body) return string.format("<%s>%s", cmd, body, cmd) end) str = string.gsub(str, "(%s)(%>)", "%2") return str end local function textotei(str) str = xml_entities(str) str = texpatttotei(str) if tei_p_open then str = string.gsub(str, "%s?\\par%s?", "


") else str = string.gsub(str, "%s?\\par%s?", "\n

") tei_p_open = true end str = note_totei(str) str = app_totei(str) str = lem_rdg_totei(str) str = versetotei(str) str = envtotei(str) str = cmdtotei(str) return str end local teifilename = tex.jobname.."-tei" function ekdosis.setteifilename(str) teifilename = str return true end function ekdosis.openteistream() local f = io.open(teifilename.."_tmp.xml", "a+") f:write('', "\n") f:write("", "\n") f:write("", "\n") f:write("", "\n") f:write("", "\n") f:write("<!-- Title -->", "\n") f:write("", "\n") f:write("", "\n") f:write("", "\n") f:write("", "\n") f:write("", "\n") f:write("", "\n") f:write("", "\n") f:write("", "\n") f:write("", "\n") f:write("", "\n") for i = 1,#listWit do f:write('", "\n") f:write('', textotei(listWit[i].abbr), "", "\n") f:write(textotei(listWit[i].detailsDesc), "\n") f:write("", "\n") if listWit[i].msIdentifier.settlement == "" and listWit[i].msIdentifier.repository == "" and listWit[i].msIdentifier.idno == "" and listWit[i].msIdentifier.msName == "" then f:write("", "\n") else f:write("", "\n") if listWit[i].msIdentifier.settlement ~= "" then f:write("", textotei(listWit[i].msIdentifier.settlement), "", "\n") else end if listWit[i].msIdentifier.repository ~= "" then f:write("", textotei(listWit[i].msIdentifier.repository), "", "\n") else end if listWit[i].msIdentifier.idno ~= "" then f:write("", textotei(listWit[i].msIdentifier.idno), "", "\n") else end if listWit[i].msIdentifier.msName ~= "" then f:write("", textotei(listWit[i].msIdentifier.msName), "", "\n") else end f:write("", "\n") end if listWit[i].handDesc ~= nil then f:write("", "\n") f:write("", "\n") local j = 1 while listWit[i].handDesc[j] do f:write("", "\n") f:write('', textotei(listWit[i].handDesc[j].abbr), "", "\n") f:write("

", textotei(listWit[i].handDesc[j].detailsDesc), "

", "\n") f:write("", "\n") j = j + 1 end f:write("", "\n") f:write("", "\n") else end if listWit[i].history ~= nil then f:write("", "\n") f:write("", "\n") f:write("", textotei(listWit[i].history.origin.origDate), "", "\n") f:write("", "\n") f:write("", "\n") end f:write("", "\n") f:write("", "\n") end f:write("", "\n") f:write("", "\n") f:write("", "\n") f:write("", "\n") f:write('', "\n") f:write("", "\n") f:write("", "\n") f:write("", "\n") f:write("", "\n") f:close() return true end local tidy = nil local function cleanup_tei() local f = assert(io.open(teifilename.."_tmp.xml", "r")) t = f:read("*a") t = string.gsub(t, "%%\n", "") t = string.gsub(t, "^\n", "") local fw = assert(io.open(teifilename.."_tmp.xml", "w")) fw:write(t) fw:close() return true end function ekdosis.closeteistream(opt) local f = io.open(teifilename.."_tmp.xml", "a+") f:write("\n", "", "\n") if xmlbibresource ~= nil then bibf = assert(io.open(xmlbibresource, "r")) t = bibf:read("*a") t = string.gsub(t, "%s+corresp%=%b\"\"", "") t = string.gsub(t, "\n\n", "\n") f:write("", "\n") f:write("", "\n") for i in string.gmatch(t, ".-") do f:write(i, "\n") end f:write("", "\n") f:write("", "\n") bibf:close() else end f:write("", "\n") f:write("", "\n") f:close() cleanup_tei() os.remove(teifilename..".xml") os.rename(teifilename.."_tmp.xml", teifilename..".xml") if opt == "tidy" then os.execute("tidy -qmi -xml --output-xml yes "..teifilename..".xml") else end return true end function ekdosis.exporttei(str) local f = io.open(teifilename.."_tmp.xml", "a+") f:write("\n

") tei_p_open = true str = textotei(str) f:write(str) if tei_p_open then f:write("

") tei_p_open = false else end f:close() return true end -- end totei functions -- begin basic TeX Conspectus siglorum function ekdosis.basic_cs(msid) local indexwit = getindex(msid, listWit) siglum = listWit[indexwit].abbr -- if listWit[indexwit].detailsDesc == "" -- then -- name = listWit[indexwit].msIdentifier.msName -- else -- name = listWit[indexwit].msIdentifier.msName -- .."\\thinspace\\newline\\bgroup\\footnotesize{}".. -- listWit[indexwit].detailsDesc -- .."\\egroup{}" -- end name = listWit[indexwit].detailsDesc if listWit[indexwit].history ~= nil and listWit[indexwit].history.origin ~= nil then date = listWit[indexwit].history.origin.origDate else date = "" end return siglum.."&"..name.."&"..date end -- end basic TeX Conspectus siglorum function ekdosis.removesp(str) str = gsub(str, cmd * cmdargs * spcenc^-1, "%1%2") return str end function ekdosis.closestream() os.remove(tex.jobname..".ekd") os.rename(tex.jobname.."_tmp.ekd", tex.jobname..".ekd") return true end local pg_i = 0 local pg_ii = 0 local cur_abs_pg = 0 function ekdosis.update_abspg(n) cur_abs_pg = n return true end function ekdosis.get_abs_page() return "i:" .. pg_i .. ", ii:" .. pg_ii .. ", abs:" .. cur_abs_pg end function ekdosis.storeabspg(n, pg) if pg == "pg_i" then pg_i = n elseif pg == "pg_ii" then pg_ii = n end cur_abs_pg = n return true end ekdosis.getabspg = function(pg) --not used if pg == "pg_i" then return pg_i elseif pg == "pg_ii" then return pg_ii end end -- handle multiple layers in apparatuses -- local apparatuses = {} local bagunits = {} function ekdosis.newapparatus(teitype, appdir, apprule, appdelim, appsep, appbhook, appehook) if isintable(apparatuses, teitype) then tex.print("\\unexpanded{\\PackageWarning{ekdosis}{\"" ..teitype.. "\" already exists.}}") else table.insert(apparatuses, {a = teitype, direction = appdir, rule = apprule, delim = appdelim, sep = appsep, bhook = appbhook, ehook = appehook}) end bagunits[teitype] = 1 return true end function ekdosis.getappdelim(str) for i = 1,#apparatuses do if apparatuses[i].a == str then delimfound = apparatuses[i].delim break end end return delimfound end function ekdosis.get_bagunits(teitype) return bagunits[teitype] end function ekdosis.increment_bagunits(teitype) bagunits[teitype] = (bagunits[teitype] or 0) + 1 end local function reset_bagunits() for i = 1,#apparatuses do bagunits[apparatuses[i].a] = 1 end end function ekdosis.appin(str, teitype) local f = io.open(tex.jobname.."_tmp.ekd", "a+") if next(apparatuses) == nil then f:write("<", cur_abs_pg, "-0>", str, "\n") else for i = 1,#apparatuses do if apparatuses[i].a == teitype then appno = i break end end f:write("<", cur_abs_pg, "-", appno, ">", str, "\n") end f:close() return true end function ekdosis.appout() local file = io.open(tex.jobname..".ekd", "r") if file ~= nil then io.close(file) f = assert(io.open(tex.jobname..".ekd", "r")) t = f:read("*a") local output = {} if next(apparatuses) == nil then -- table.insert(output, "BEGIN") table.insert(output, "\\noindent\\csname ekd@default@rule\\endcsname\\NLS\\noindent ") -- table.insert(output, "\\noindent ") for i in string.gmatch(t, "<"..cur_abs_pg.."%-0>.-") do table.insert(output, i) end -- table.insert(output, "END") else local n = 1 while apparatuses[n] do if string.match(t, "<"..cur_abs_pg.."%-"..n..">.-") then -- table.insert(output, "BEGIN") table.insert(output, "\\bgroup{}") if apparatuses[n].direction == "LR" then table.insert(output, "\\pardir TLT\\textdir TLT{}") elseif apparatuses[n].direction == "RL" then table.insert(output, "\\pardir TRT\\textdir TRT{}") end if apparatuses[n].rule == "none" then if n > 1 then table.insert(output, "\\NLS\\noindent ") else table.insert(output, "\\noindent ") end elseif apparatuses[n].rule ~= "" then if n > 1 then table.insert(output, "\\NLS{}" .. apparatuses[n].rule .. "\\NLS\\noindent ") else -- table.insert(output, "\\noindent ") table.insert(output, apparatuses[n].rule .. "\\NLS\\noindent ") end else if n > 1 then table.insert(output, "\\NLS\\csname ekd@default@rule\\endcsname\\NLS\\noindent ") else -- table.insert(output, "\\noindent ") table.insert(output, "\\csname ekd@default@rule\\endcsname\\NLS\\noindent ") end end if apparatuses[n].sep ~= "" then table.insert(output, "\\edef\\ekdsep{" .. apparatuses[n].sep .. "}") else end if apparatuses[n].bhook ~= "" then table.insert(output, apparatuses[n].bhook) else end for i in string.gmatch(t, "<"..cur_abs_pg.."%-"..n..">.-") do table.insert(output, i) end if apparatuses[n].ehook ~= "" then table.insert(output, apparatuses[n].ehook) else end table.insert(output, "\\egroup{}") -- table.insert(output, "END") end n = n + 1 end end f:close() str = table.concat(output) str = string.gsub(str, "", "") str = string.gsub(str, "<"..cur_abs_pg.."%-[0-9]>", " ") return str else end end function ekdosis.appin_out(str, nl) local f = io.open(tex.jobname.."_tmp.ekd", "a+") if nl == "yes" then f:write(str, "\n") else f:write(str) end f:close() return true end function ekdosis.testapparatus() if tonumber(pg_ii) < tonumber(pg_i) or tonumber(pg_ii) < tonumber(cur_abs_pg) then pg_i = cur_abs_pg if next(apparatuses) ~= nil then reset_bagunits() end return "\\booltrue{do@app}" elseif tonumber(pg_ii) == tonumber(pg_i) then return "\\boolfalse{do@app}" elseif tonumber(pg_ii) > tonumber(pg_i) then pg_i = cur_abs_pg if next(apparatuses) ~= nil then reset_bagunits() end return "\\booltrue{do@app}" end end local lnlabs = {} local lnlab_salt = 0 local current_lnlab = nil local prev_lnlab = nil local current_notelab = nil local prev_notelab = nil local current_lemma = nil local salt = 0 local function mdvisintable(table, value) for _, v in pairs(table) do if v == value then return true end end return false end function ekdosis.dolnlab(str) prev_lnlab = current_lnlab current_lemma = str i = md5.sumhexa(str) if not mdvisintable(lnlabs, i) then table.insert(lnlabs, i) else i = i..salt table.insert(lnlabs, i) salt = salt + 1 end current_lnlab = i return true end function ekdosis.getlnlab() return current_lnlab end function ekdosis.getprevlnlab() return prev_lnlab end function ekdosis.setnotelab(str) current_notelab = str return "\\linelabel{" .. current_notelab .. "}" end function ekdosis.getnotelab() return current_notelab end function ekdosis.setprevnotelab(str) prev_notelab = str return true end function ekdosis.getprevnotelab() return prev_notelab end local function remove_note(str) str = gsub(str, dblbkslash * lpeg.P("note") * cmdargs, "") return str end function ekdosis.mdvappend(str, teitype) if teitype == nil then return "\\linelabel{" .. current_lnlab .. "-b}\\wordboundary{}" .. current_lemma .. "\\linelabel{" .. current_lnlab .. "-e}" .. "\\csname append@app\\endcsname{" .. remove_note(str) .. "}" else return "\\linelabel{" .. current_lnlab .. "-b}\\wordboundary{}" .. current_lemma .. "\\linelabel{" .. current_lnlab .. "-e}" .. "\\csname append@app\\endcsname" .. "[" .. teitype .. "]{" .. remove_note(str) .. "}" end end % \end{ekdlua} % \iffalse % % \fi \endinput