AgeCommit message (Collapse)Author
2016-03-21long vowels, diphthongs and consonants with ǧazmah before ʾalif conjunctionisRobert Alessi
2016-03-21shorten long vowels according to rule laid down in Wright i. §25 (trans mode)Robert Alessi
2016-03-21still documenting...Robert Alessi
2016-03-20assimilations [Wright i §14 (b)]; no more euphonic tašdīd in novoc modeRobert Alessi
2016-03-20still writing the documentationRobert Alessi
2016-03-20some bugfixes in the tables; still writing the documentationRobert Alessi
2016-03-15added final hamza + sukūnRobert Alessi
2016-03-15bugfix: final hamza was wrongRobert Alessi
2016-03-15some corrections in the tables + writing the documentationRobert Alessi
2016-03-14some corrections in the tables as |BaN|; still writing the documentationRobert Alessi
2016-03-11corrected final tāʾ marbūṭa, writing documentation (continued)Robert Alessi
2016-03-11bugfix: quoted hamza + sukūn in fullvoc modeRobert Alessi
2016-03-11bugfix: quoting sukūn in fullvoc modeRobert Alessi
2016-03-11modified makefile to index referencesRobert Alessi
2016-03-10writing documentation (continued) + added quoting u|a|iRobert Alessi
2016-03-10use dox packageRobert Alessi
2016-03-09reverted to ltxdocRobert Alessi
2016-03-09bugfix: wrong decimal separator in arabic modeRobert Alessi
2016-03-09corrected clean-up function for hyphenRobert Alessi
2016-03-09writing documentation (continued)Robert Alessi
2016-03-08writing documentation...Robert Alessi
2016-03-08updated makefileRobert Alessi
2016-03-07removed all of old \robustify commandsRobert Alessi
2016-03-06started writing the docRobert Alessi
2016-03-06initial alif without hamza -> ' in dmg transliterationRobert Alessi
2016-03-04implementation of basic Arabic punctuationRobert Alessi
2016-03-04first implementation of \edtext commandRobert Alessi
2016-03-04silent wāw and yāʾ in words such as ḥayāt and tawrātRobert Alessi
2016-03-03ʿamr + u a i in fullvoc and transliteration tablesRobert Alessi
2016-03-03ʿamr + u a iRobert Alessi
2016-03-03misplaced alif maqṣūraRobert Alessi
2016-03-03ʿamr + tanwīnRobert Alessi
2016-03-03šadda over hamza + improved maddaRobert Alessi
2016-03-03moved \set@translit@convention before the user commandRobert Alessi
2016-03-03" as sukūn needed to be escapedRobert Alessi
2016-03-03corrected final hamza; added quoting before hamzaRobert Alessi
2016-03-03added sukūn over w in ramaW(A) and the likeRobert Alessi
2016-03-02pipe must be taken out in translit modesRobert Alessi
2016-03-02corrected typosRobert Alessi
2016-03-02add \cap{} command; correct transliteration tablesRobert Alessi
2016-03-01implementation of loc transliteration tablesRobert Alessi
2016-02-29add arabluatex_trans.luaRobert Alessi
2016-02-29first implementation of transliteration tables (dmg)Robert Alessi
2016-02-28update docRobert Alessi
2016-02-28update .bib fileRobert Alessi
2016-02-28include .bib file in the docRobert Alessi
2016-02-28include .bib file in the docRobert Alessi
2016-02-28cleaned fullvoc tablesRobert Alessi
2016-02-28define \setRL and \setLRRobert Alessi
2016-02-26implementation of fullvoc tablesRobert Alessi
a> 529 530 531 532 533 534 535 536 537 538 539 540 541 542 543 544 545 546 547 548 549 550 551 552 553 554 555 556 557 558 559 560 561 562 563 564 565 566 567 568 569 570 571 572 573 574 575 576 577 578 579 580 581 582 583 584 585 586 587 588 589 590 591 592 593 594 595 596 597 598 599 600 601 602 603 604 605 606 607 608 609 610 611 612 613 614 615 616 617
This file is part of the `arabluatex' package

ArabLuaTeX -- Processing ArabTeX notation under LuaLaTeX
Copyright (C) 2016--2017  Robert Alessi

Please send error reports and suggestions for improvements to Robert
Alessi <alessi@robertalessi.net>

This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program.  If not, see

-- common

punctuationtr = {
   {a="%(%(", b="("},
   {a="%)%)", b=")"}

nulltr = {
   {a="%|", b=""},
   {a="o[%S]-o", b=""}

-- cap
captr = {
   -- dmg (defaut); loc as well
   {a="ā", b="Ā"},
   {a="b", b="B"},
   {a="t", b="T"},
   {a="ṯ", b="Ṯ"},
   {a="ğ", b="Ğ"},
   {a="ḥ", b="Ḥ"},
   {a="ḫ", b="Ḫ"},
   {a="d", b="D"},
   {a="ḏ", b="Ḏ"},
   {a="r", b="R"},
   {a="z", b="Z"},
   {a="s", b="S"},
   {a="š", b="Š"},
   {a="ṣ", b="Ṣ"},
   {a="ḍ", b="Ḍ"},
   {a="ṭ", b="Ṭ"},
   {a="ẓ", b="Ẓ"},
   {a="ġ", b="Ġ"},
   {a="f", b="F"},
   {a="q", b="Q"},
   {a="k", b="K"},
   {a="l", b="L"},
   {a="m", b="M"},
   {a="n", b="N"},
   {a="h", b="H"},
   {a="w", b="W"},
   {a="ū", b="Ū"},
   {a="y", b="Y"},
   {a="ī", b="Ī"}

-- dmg

hamzatrdmg = {
   -- hard coded hamza
   {a="|\"'", b="ʾ"},
   {a="A\"'", b="ʾA"},
   {a="[au]\"'", b="ʾ"},
   {a="w\"'", b="ʾ"},
   {a="i\"'", b="ʾ"},
   {a="y\"'", b="ʾ"},
   -- hamza takes tašdīd too
   {a="''([Uu])", b="ʾʾ%1"},
   {a="''([Aa])", b="ʾʾ%1"},
   {a="''([Ii])", b="ʾʾ%1"},
   -- initial long u and i (for a, see below)
   {a="%'%_U", b="ʾU"},
   {a="%'%_I", b="ʾI"},
   -- taḫfīfu 'l-hamza
   {a="'u'([^uaiUAI])", b="ʾU%1"},
   {a="'i'([^uaiUAI])", b="ʾI%1"},
   -- madda (historic writing below)
   {a="'a'([^uaiUAI])", b="ʾA%1"},
   {a="'a?A", b="ʾA"},
   {a="(A)(')(i)$", b="%1ʾ%3"},
   {a="(A)(')(i)(%W)", b="%1ʾ%3%4"},
   {a="(A)(')(i)", b="%1ʾ%3"}, -- historic madda
   {a="(A)(')", b="%1ʾ"}, -- historic madda
   -- initial (needs both ^ and %W patterns)
   -- 'aw: the diphthong is to be resolved into 'awi' (next 8 lines)
   {a="^('aw)(o)(['][%_%^%.]?[l'btjghxdrzs`fqkmnwy]%-)([%S]-o)", b="%1i"},
   {a="(%W)('aw)(o)(['][%_%^%.]?[l'btjghxdrzs`fqkmnwy]%-)([%S]-o)", b="%1%2i"},
   {a="^('aw)(o)(\"?[uai])([%S]-o)", b="%1i"},
   {a="(%W)('aw)(o)(\"?[uai])([%S]-o)", b="%1%2i"},
   {a="^('aw)(%s)(['][%_%^%.]?[l'btjghxdrzs`fqkmnwy]%-)", b="%1i%2%3"},
   {a="(%W)('aw)(%s)(['][%_%^%.]?[l'btjghxdrzs`fqkmnwy]%-)", b="%1%2i%3%4"},
   {a="^('aw)(%s)([%(%[%|%<]?\"?[uai])", b="%1i%2%3"}, --p
   {a="(%W)('aw)(%s)([%(%[%|%<]?\"?[uai])", b="%1%2i%3%4"}, --p
   -- then the 'initial' rules for the remaining cases
   {a="^(')([ua])", b="ʾ%2"},
   {a="^(')(i)", b="ʾ%2"},
   {a="(%W)(')([ua])", b="%1ʾ%3"},
   {a="(%W)(')(i)", b="%1ʾ%3"},
   -- final
   {a="([Iy])(')(aN)$", b="%1ʾ%3"},
   {a="([Iy])(')(aN)(%W)", b="%1ʾ%3%4"},
   {a="([^uai])(')([uai]N?)$", b="%1ʾ%3"},
   {a="([^uai])(')([uai]N?)(%W)", b="%1ʾ%3%4"},
   {a="([UI])(')([uai])$", b="%1ʾ%3"},
   {a="([UI])(')([uai])(%W)", b="%1ʾ%3%4"},
   -- middle
   {a="(U)(')", b="%1ʾ"},
   {a="([Iy])(')", b="%1ʾ"},
   {a="([^uai])(')([uU])", b="%1ʾ%3"},
   {a="([^uai])(')([aA])", b="%1ʾ%3"},
   {a="([^uai])(')([iI])", b="%1ʾ%3"},
   {a="(u)(')([uU])", b="%1ʾ%3"},
   {a="(u)(')([aA])", b="%1ʾ%3"},
   {a="(u)(')([iI])", b="%1ʾ%3"},
   {a="(a)(')([aA])", b="%1ʾ%3"},
   {a="(a)(')([uU])", b="%1ʾ%3"},
   {a="(a)(')([iI])", b="%1ʾ%3"},
   {a="(i)(')([aA])", b="%1ʾ%3"},
   {a="(i)(')([uU])", b="%1ʾ%3"},
   {a="(i)(')([iI])", b="%1ʾ%3"},
   {a="(a)(')([^uaiUAI])", b="%1ʾ%3"},
   {a="(u)(')([^uaiUAI])", b="%1ʾ%3"},
   {a="(i)(')([^uaiUAI])", b="%1ʾ%3"}

tanwintrdmg = {
   {a="%-?([uai]NU)(o)([ui])([%S]-o)", b="\\arbup{un%3}"},
   {a="%-?([uai]NU)(%s)([ui])", b="\\arbup{un%3}%2'"},
   {a="(o[%S]-)([uai]N[UI])(o)(\"?[ui])", b="'"},
   {a="%-?uNU", b="\\arbup{un}"},
   {a="%-?aNU", b="\\arbup{an}"},
   {a="%-?iNU", b="\\arbup{in}"},
   {a="%-?iNI", b="i\\arbup{n}"},
   -- tanwīn preceding ʾalif conjunctionis
   {a="%-?(uN)(o)(['][%_%^%.]?[l'btjghxdrzs`fqkmnwy]%-)([%S]-o)", b="\\arbup{uni}"},
   {a="%-?(aN)(_A)(o)(['][%_%^%.]?[l'btjghxdrzs`fqkmnwy]%-)([%S]-o)", b="ạ\\arbup{ni}"},
   {a="%-?(aN)(Y)(o)(['][%_%^%.]?[l'btjghxdrzs`fqkmnwy]%-)([%S]-o)", b="ạ\\arbup{ni}"},
   {a="(T)%-?(aN)(o)(['][%_%^%.]?[l'btjghxdrzs`fqkmnwy]%-)([%S]-o)", b="t\\arbup{ani}"},
   {a="([^TA])%-?(aN)(o)(['][%_%^%.]?[l'btjghxdrzs`fqkmnwy]%-)([%S]-o)", b="%1\\arbup{ani}"},
   {a="%-?(iN)(o)(['][%_%^%.]?[l'btjghxdrzs`fqkmnwy]%-)([%S]-o)", b="\\arbup{ini}"},
   {a="%-?(uN)(%s)(['][%_%^%.]?[l'btjghxdrzs`fqkmnwy]%-)", b="\\arbup{uni}%2%3"},
   {a="%-?(aN)(_A)(%s)(['][%_%^%.]?[l'btjghxdrzs`fqkmnwy]%-)", b="ạ\\arbup{ni}%3%4"},
   {a="%-?(aN)(Y)(%s)(['][%_%^%.]?[l'btjghxdrzs`fqkmnwy]%-)", b="ạ\\arbup{ni}%3%4"},
   {a="(T)%-?(aN)(%s)(['][%_%^%.]?[l'btjghxdrzs`fqkmnwy]%-)", b="t\\arbup{ani}%3%4"},
   {a="([^TA])%-?(aN)(%s)(['][%_%^%.]?[l'btjghxdrzs`fqkmnwy]%-)", b="%1\\arbup{ani}%3%4"},
   {a="%-?(iN)(%s)(['][%_%^%.]?[l'btjghxdrzs`fqkmnwy]%-)", b="\\arbup{ini}%2%3"},
   -- tanwīn preceding 'lla_dI/'llatI
   {a="%-?(uN)(o)('lla[%_]?[dt])([%S]-o)", b="\\arbup{uni}"},
   {a="%-?(aN)(_A)(o)('lla[%_]?[dt])([%S]-o)", b="ạ\\arbup{ni}"},
   {a="%-?(aN)(Y)(o)('lla[%_]?[dt])([%S]-o)", b="ạ\\arbup{ni}"},
   {a="(T)%-?(aN)(o)('lla[%_]?[dt])([%S]-o)", b="t\\arbup{ani}"},
   {a="([^TA])%-?(aN)(o)('lla[%_]?[dt])([%S]-o)", b="%1\\arbup{ani}"},
   {a="%-?(iN)(o)('lla[%_]?[dt])([%S]-o)", b="\\arbup{ini}"},
   {a="%-?(uN)(%s)('lla[%_]?[dt])", b="\\arbup{uni}%2%3"},
   {a="%-?(aN)(_A)(%s)('lla[%_]?[dt])", b="ạ\\arbup{ni}%3%4"},
   {a="%-?(aN)(Y)(%s)('lla[%_]?[dt])", b="ạ\\arbup{ni}%3%4"},
   {a="(T)%-?(aN)(%s)('lla[%_]?[dt])", b="t\\arbup{ani}%3%4"},
   {a="([^TA])%-?(aN)(%s)('lla[%_]?[dt])", b="%1\\arbup{ani}%3%4"},
   {a="%-?(iN)(%s)('lla[%_]?[dt])", b="\\arbup{ini}%2%3"},
   -- tanwīn + alif without hamza and kasra (ibn) or dhamma (uhrub)
   {a="%-?(uN)(o)([ui])([%S]-o)", b="\\arbup{un%3}"},
   {a="%-?(aN)(_A)(o)([ui])([%S]-o)", b="ạ\\arbup{n%4}"},
   {a="%-?(aN)(Y)(o)([ui])([%S]-o)", b="ạ\\arbup{n%4}"},
   {a="(T)%-?(aN)(o)([ui])([%S]-o)", b="t\\arbup{an%4}"},
   {a="([^TA])%-?(aN)(o)([ui])([%S]-o)", b="%1\\arbup{an%4}"},
   {a="%-?(iN)(o)([ui])([%S]-o)", b="\\arbup{in%3}"},
   {a="(o[%S]-)([uai]N)(o)(\"?[ui])", b="'"},
   {a="%-?(uN)(%s)([ui])", b="\\arbup{un%3}%2'"},
   {a="%-?(aN)(_A)(%s)([ui])", b="ạ\\arbup{n%4}%3'"},
   {a="%-?(aN)(Y)(%s)([ui])", b="ạ\\arbup{n%4}%3'"},
   {a="(T)%-?(aN)(%s)([ui])", b="t\\arbup{an%4}%3'"},
   {a="([^TA])%-?(aN)(%s)([ui])", b="%1\\arbup{an%4}%3'"},
   {a="%-?(iN)(%s)([ui])", b="\\arbup{in%3}%2'"},
-- {a="uN", b="\\arbup{un}"}, (now included in the last line of this table)
   {a="%-?(\"?At)%-?([ui])N", b="\\arbup{%1%2n}"},
   {a="%-?(aN)(_A)", b="ạ\\arbup{n}"},
   {a="%-?(aN)(Y)", b="ạ\\arbup{n}"},
   {a="(T)%-?(\"?aN)", b="t\\arbup{an}"},
   {a="([^TA])%-?(\"?aN)", b="%1\\arbup{an}"},
   {a="%-?([ui])N", b="\\arbup{%1n}"}

trigraphstrdmg = { -- trigraphs or more
   -- 'llatI / 'llad_I
   {a="^'ll(a)([%_]?[dt])", b="'ll%1%2"},
   {a="([%(%[%|%<%s])'ll(a)([%_]?[dt])", b="%1'll%2%3"}, --p
   -- law: the diphthong is to be resolved into 'awi' (next 8 lines)
   {a="^(law)(o)(['][%_%^%.]?[l'btjghxdrzs`fqkmnwy]%-)([%S]-o)", b="%1i"},
   {a="(%W)(law)(o)(['][%_%^%.]?[l'btjghxdrzs`fqkmnwy]%-)([%S]-o)", b="%1%2i"},
   {a="^(law)(o)(\"?[uai])([%S]-o)", b="%1i"},
   {a="(%W)(law)(o)(\"?[uai])([%S]-o)", b="%1%2i"},
   {a="^(law)(%s)(['][%_%^%.]?[l'btjghxdrzs`fqkmnwy]%-)", b="%1i%2%3"},
   {a="(%W)(law)(%s)(['][%_%^%.]?[l'btjghxdrzs`fqkmnwy]%-)", b="%1%2i%3%4"},
   {a="^(law)(%s)([%(%[%|%<]?\"?[uai])", b="%1i%2%3"}, --p
   {a="(%W)(law)(%s)([%(%[%|%<]?\"?[uai])", b="%1%2i%3%4"}, --p
   -- al- + lām
   {a="^(a)l%-(l)", b="%1l-%2"},
   {a="([%(%[%|%<%s%-o])(a)l%-(l)", b="%1%2l-%3"}, --p
   -- al- + solar consonant
   {a="^(a)l%-([%_%^%.]?[tdrzsn])", b="%1%2-%2"},
   {a="([%(%[%|%<%s%-o])(a)l%-([%_%^%.]?[tdrzsn])", b="%1%2%3-%3"}, --p
   -- assim. art. + solar consonant
   {a="^(a)([%_%^%.]?[tdrzsn])%-", b="%1%2-"},
   {a="([%(%[%|%<%s%-o])(a)([%_%^%.]?[tdrzsn])%-", b="%1%2%3-"}, --p
   -- al- + initial unstable hamza
   {a="^(a)l%-(\"?[uai])", b="%1l-%2"},
   {a="([%(%[%|%<%s%-o])(a)l%-(\"?[uai])", b="%1%2l-%3"}, --p
   -- li-/la- + art. + initial unstable hamza is a special orthography
   {a="l([ai])%-l%-([uai])", b="l%1-l-%2"},
   -- al- + lunar consonant (i.e. what remains)
   {a="^(a)l%-", b="%1l-"},
   {a="([%(%[%|%<%s%-o])(a)l%-", b="%1%2l-"}, --p
   -- diphthongs to be resolved before ʾalif conjunctionis
   {a="(aw)(o)(['][%_%^%.]?[l'btjghxdrzs`fqkmnwy]%-)([%S]-o)", b="%1u"},
   {a="(ay)(o)(['][%_%^%.]?[l'btjghxdrzs`fqkmnwy]%-)([%S]-o)", b="%1i"},
   {a="(aw)(%s)(['][%_%^%.]?[l'btjghxdrzs`fqkmnwy]%-)", b="%1u%2%3"},
   {a="(ay)(%s)(['][%_%^%.]?[l'btjghxdrzs`fqkmnwy]%-)", b="%1i%2%3"},
   -- art. with waṣla + lām
   {a="'l%-(l)", b="'l-%1"},
   -- art. with waṣla + solar consonant
   {a="'l%-([%_%^%.]?[tdrzsn])", b="'%1-%1"},
   -- li-/la- + art. + lām
   {a="l([ai])%-l%-(l)", b="l%1-%2%2"},
   -- assim. art. with waṣla + solar consonant
   {a="'([%_%^%.]?[tdrzsn])%-", b="'%1-"},
   -- li-/la- + art. + solar consonant is a special orthography
   {a="l([ai])%-l%-([%_%^%.]?[tdrzsn])", b="l%1-%2-%2"},
   -- li-/la- + assim. art. + solar consonant is a special orthography
   {a="l([ai])%-([%_%^%.]?[tdrzsn])%-([%_%^%.]?[tdrzsn])", b="l%1-%2-%3"},
   -- art. with waṣla + initial unstable hamza
   {a="'l%-(\"?[uai])", b="'l-%1"},
   -- art. with waṣla + lunar consonant (i.e. what remains)
   {a="'l%-", b="'l-"},
   -- the silent wāw
   {a="uU$", b="u"},
   {a="uU(%W)", b="u%1"},
   {a="aU$", b="a"},
   {a="aU(%W)", b="a%1"},
   {a="iU$", b="i"},
   {a="iU(%W)", b="i%1"},
   -- words ending in -āT with silent wāw/yāʾ
   {a="(_a)UA", b="A"},
   {a="(_a)U", b="A"},
   {a="(_a)I", b="A"}

idghamtrdmg = {
   -- assimilations
   {a="(n)(}?)(%s)([rlmnwy])", b="%4%2%3%4"},
   {a="(n)(}?)(o)([rlmnwy])([%S]-o)", b="%4%2"}

digraphstrdmg = {
   {a="([uai]%-)(\"?[uai])", b="%1'"}, -- hyphen + initial alif without hamza
   -- the following two are replaced with the 4 lines next for now
--   {a="^(\"?[uai])", b="%1"},      -- initial alif without hamza
--   {a="(%W)(\"?[uai])", b="%1%2"},      -- initial alif without hamza
--   {a="^(\"[uai])", b="'"},      -- initial alif without hamza
--   {a="(%W)(\"[uai])", b="%1'"},      -- initial alif without hamza
   {a="^(\"?[uai])", b="%1"},      -- initial alif without hamza
   {a="(%W)(\"?[uai])", b="%1%2"},      -- initial alif without hamza
   -- this is not necessary, take out for now:
-- {a="([%_]?[uaiUAIY])(%s)([uai])", b="%1%2'"}, -- initial alif without hamza
   {a="(aw)(o)(\"?[uai])([%S]-o)", b="%1u"},
   {a="(aw)(%s)([%(%[%|%<]?)(\"?[uai])", b="%1u%2%3'"}, --p
   {a="(ay)(o)(\"?[uai])([%S]-o)", b="%1i"},
   {a="(ay)(%s)([%(%[%|%<]?)(\"?[uai])", b="%1i%2%3'"}, --p
   {a="(aW)(o)(\"?[uai])([%S]-o)", b="awu"},
   {a="(UA)(o)(\"?[uai])([%S]-o)", b="u"},
   {a="(%_A)(o)(\"?[uai])([%S]-o)", b="ạ"},
   {a="(Y)(o)(\"?[uai])([%S]-o)", b="ạ"},
   {a="(%_a)(o)(\"?[uai])([%S]-o)", b="a"},
   {a="(A)(o)(\"?[uai])([%S]-o)", b="a"},
   {a="([%_]?[Uu])(o)(\"?[uai])([%S]-o)", b="u"},
   {a="([%_]?[Ii])(o)(\"?[uai])([%S]-o)", b="i"},
   {a="(o[%S]-)([UAIYWuaiyw])(o)(\"?[uai])", b="'"},
   {a="(aW)(%s)([%(%[%|%<]?)(\"?[uai])", b="awu%2%3%4"}, --p
   {a="(UA)(%s)([%(%[%|%<]?)(\"?[uai])", b="u%2%3'"}, --p
   {a="([^%_][uai])(%s)([%(%[%|%<]?)(\"?[uai])", b="%1%2%3'"}, --p
   {a="(%_A)(%s)([%(%[%|%<]?)(\"?[uai])", b="ạ%2%3'"}, --p
   {a="(Y)(%s)([%(%[%|%<]?)(\"?[uai])", b="ạ%2%3'"}, --p
   {a="(%_a)(%s)([%(%[%|%<]?)(\"?[uai])", b="a%2%3'"}, --p
   {a="(A)(%s)([%(%[%|%<]?)(\"?[uai])", b="a%2%3'"}, --p
   {a="([%_]?[Uu])(%s)([%(%[%|%<]?)(\"?[uai])", b="u%2%3'"}, --p
   {a="([%_]?[Ii])(%s)([%(%[%|%<]?)(\"?[uai])", b="i%2%3'"}, --p
   -- ʾiʿrāb hyphen (begin)
   {a="(%-)(\"?[UI]na)(%p?%s)", b="\\arbup{%2}%3"},
   {a="(%-)(\"?[UI]na)(%p?)$", b="\\arbup{%2}%3"},
   {a="(%-)(\"?At[ui])(%p?%s)", b="\\arbup{%2}%3"},
   {a="(%-)(\"?At[ui])(%p?)$", b="\\arbup{%2}%3"},
   {a="(%-)(\"?Ani)(%p?%s)", b="\\arbup{%2}%3"},
   {a="(%-)(\"?Ani)(%p?)$", b="\\arbup{%2}%3"},
   {a="(%-)(\"?ayni)(%p?%s)", b="\\arbup{%2}%3"},
   {a="(%-)(\"?ayni)(%p?)$", b="\\arbup{%2}%3"},
   {a="(%-)(\"?[uai])(%p?%s)", b="\\arbup{%2}%3"},
   {a="(%-)(\"?[uai])(%p?)$", b="\\arbup{%2}%3"},
   -- ʾiʿrāb hyphen (end) shorten long vowels preceding ʾalif
   -- conjunctionis—without forgetting 'lla_dI
   {a="(U)(A)", b="U"},
   {a="(aW)(o)('[%_%^%.]?[l'btjghxdrzs`fqkmnwy][%-l])([%S]-o)", b="awu"},
   {a="(%_a)(o)('[%_%^%.]?[l'btjghxdrzs`fqkmnwy][%-l])([%S]-o)", b="a"},
   {a="(%_A)(o)('[%_%^%.]?[l'btjghxdrzs`fqkmnwy][%-l])([%S]-o)", b="ạ"},
   {a="(A)(o)('[%_%^%.]?[l'btjghxdrzs`fqkmnwy][%-l])([%S]-o)", b="a"},
   {a="(Y)(o)('[%_%^%.]?[l'btjghxdrzs`fqkmnwy][%-l])([%S]-o)", b="ạ"},
   {a="([%_]?[Uu])(o)('[%_%^%.]?[l'btjghxdrzs`fqkmnwy][%-l])([%S]-o)", b="u"},
   {a="([%_]?[Ii])(o)('[%_%^%.]?[l'btjghxdrzs`fqkmnwy][%-l])([%S]-o)", b="i"},
   --p (next 7 lines, just after %s)
   {a="(aW)(%s)([%(%[%|%<]?['][%_%^%.]?[l'btjghxdrzs`fqkmnwy][%-l])", b="awu%2%3"},
   {a="(%_a)(%s)([%(%[%|%<]?['][%_%^%.]?[l'btjghxdrzs`fqkmnwy][%-l])", b="a%2%3"},
   {a="(%_A)(%s)([%(%[%|%<]?['][%_%^%.]?[l'btjghxdrzs`fqkmnwy][%-l])", b="ạ%2%3"},
   {a="(A)(%s)([%(%[%|%<]?['][%_%^%.]?[l'btjghxdrzs`fqkmnwy][%-l])", b="a%2%3"},
   {a="(Y)(%s)([%(%[%|%<]?['][%_%^%.]?[l'btjghxdrzs`fqkmnwy][%-l])", b="ạ%2%3"},
   {a="([%_]?[Uu])(%s)([%(%[%|%<]?['][%_%^%.]?[l'btjghxdrzs`fqkmnwy][%-l])", b="u%2%3"},
   {a="([%_]?[Ii])(%s)([%(%[%|%<]?['][%_%^%.]?[l'btjghxdrzs`fqkmnwy][%-l])", b="i%2%3"},
   {a="%-%-", b=""},
--   {a="T([^uai])", b="%1"},
   {a="T(%p?%s)", b="h%1"},
   {a="T(%p?)$", b="h%1"},
   {a="_t", b="ṯ"},
   {a="%^g", b="ğ"},
   {a="%.h", b="ḥ"},
   {a="_h", b="ḫ"},
   {a="_d", b="ḏ"},
   {a="%^s", b="š"},
   {a="%.s", b="ṣ"},
   {a="%.d", b="ḍ"},
   {a="%.t", b="ṭ"},
   {a="%.z", b="ẓ"},
   {a="%.g", b="ġ"},
   -- the following needs to be moved above shortening rules
--   {a="(U)(A)", b="ū"},
   {a="WA", b="w"},
   {a="(a)W", b="%1w"},
   {a="_A", b="ạ̄"},
   {a="_u", b="ū"},
   {a="_a", b="ā"},
   {a="_i", b="ī"},
   {a="%.b", b="ḅ"},
   {a="%.f", b="f̣"},
   {a="%.q", b="q̣"},
   {a="%.k", b="k"},
   {a="%.n", b="ṇ"},
   {a="%^d", b="d́"}

singletrdmg = {
   {a="b", b="b"},
   {a="t", b="t"},
   {a="j", b="ğ"},
   {a="x", b="ḫ"},
   {a="d", b="d"},
   {a="r", b="r"},
   {a="z", b="z"},
   {a="s", b="s"},
   {a="`", b="ʿ"},
   {a="f", b="f"},
   {a="q", b="q"},
   {a="k", b="k"},
   {a="l", b="l"},
   {a="m", b="m"},
   {a="n", b="n"},
   {a="h", b="h"},
   {a="w", b="w"},
   {a="y", b="y"},
   {a="T", b="t"},
   {a="\"", b=""},
   {a="B", b=""}

longvtrdmg = {
   {a="A", b="ā"},
   {a="U", b="ū"},
   {a="I", b="ī"},
   {a="Y", b="ạ̄"}

shortvtrdmg = {
   {a="u", b="u"},
   {a="a", b="a"},
   {a="i", b="i"}

-- loc

hamzatrloc = {
   -- hard coded hamza
   {a="|\"'", b="ʾ"},
   {a="A\"'", b="ʾA"},
   {a="[au]\"'", b="ʾ"},
   {a="w\"'", b="ʾ"},
   {a="i\"'", b="ʾ"},
   {a="y\"'", b="ʾ"},
   -- hamza takes tašdīd too
   {a="''([Uu])", b="ʾʾ%1"},
   {a="''([Aa])", b="ʾʾ%1"},
   {a="''([Ii])", b="ʾʾ%1"},
   -- initial long u and i (for a, see below)
   {a="%'%_U", b="U"},
   {a="%'%_I", b="I"},
   -- taḫfīfu 'l-hamza
   {a="^'u'([^uaiUAI])", b="U%1"},
   {a="(%W)'u'([^uaiUAI])", b="%1U%2"},
   {a="'u'([^uaiUAI])", b="ʾU"},
   {a="^'i'([^uaiUAI])", b="I%1"},
   {a="(%W)'i'([^uaiUAI])", b="%1I%2"},
   {a="'i'([^uaiUAI])", b="ʾI"},
   -- madda (historic writing below)
   {a="^(')(A)", b="%2"},
   {a="(%W)(')(A)", b="%1%3"},   
   {a="^'a'([^uaiUAI])", b="A%1"},
   {a="(%W)'a'([^uaiUAI])", b="%1A%2"},   
   {a="'a'([^uaiUAI])", b="A%1"},
   {a="^'a?A", b="A"},
   {a="(%W)'a?A", b="%1A"},
   {a="'a?A", b="ʾA"},
   {a="(A)(')(i)$", b="%1ʾ%3"},
   {a="(A)(')(i)(%W)", b="%1ʾ%3%4"},
   {a="(A)(')(i)", b="%1ʾ%3"}, -- historic madda
   {a="(A)(')", b="%1ʾ"}, -- historic madda
   -- initial (needs both ^ and %W patterns)
   {a="^(')([ua])", b="%2"},
   {a="^(')(i)", b="%2"},
   {a="(%W)(')([ua])", b="%1%3"},
   {a="(%W)(')(i)", b="%1%3"},
   -- final
   {a="([Iy])(')(aN)$", b="%1ʾ%3"},
   {a="([Iy])(')(aN)(%W)", b="%1ʾ%3%4"},
   {a="([^uai])(')([uai]N?)$", b="%1ʾ%3"},
   {a="([^uai])(')([uai]N?)(%W)", b="%1ʾ%3%4"},
   {a="([UI])(')([uai])$", b="%1ʾ%3"},
   {a="([UI])(')([uai])(%W)", b="%1ʾ%3%4"},
   -- middle
   {a="(U)(')", b="%1ʾ"},
   {a="([Iy])(')", b="%1ʾ"},
   {a="([^uai])(')([uU])", b="%1ʾ%3"},
   {a="([^uai])(')([aA])", b="%1ʾ%3"},
   {a="([^uai])(')([iI])", b="%1ʾ%3"},
   {a="(u)(')([uU])", b="%1ʾ%3"},
   {a="(u)(')([aA])", b="%1ʾ%3"},
   {a="(u)(')([iI])", b="%1ʾ%3"},
   {a="(a)(')([aA])", b="%1ʾ%3"},
   {a="(a)(')([uU])", b="%1ʾ%3"},
   {a="(a)(')([iI])", b="%1ʾ%3"},
   {a="(i)(')([aA])", b="%1ʾ%3"},
   {a="(i)(')([uU])", b="%1ʾ%3"},
   {a="(i)(')([iI])", b="%1ʾ%3"},
   {a="(a)(')([^uaiUAI])", b="%1ʾ%3"},
   {a="(u)(')([^uaiUAI])", b="%1ʾ%3"},
   {a="(i)(')([^uaiUAI])", b="%1ʾ%3"}

tanwintrloc = {
   {a="%-?uNU", b="un"},
   {a="%-?aNU", b="an"},
   {a="%-?iNU", b="in"},
   {a="%-?(\"?At)%-?([ui])N", b="%1%2n"},
   {a="%-?([ui])N", b="%1n"},
   {a="%-?(aN)(_A)", b="an"},
   {a="%-?(aN)(Y)", b="an"},
   {a="(T)%-?(\"?aN)", b="tan"},
   {a="([^TA])%-?(\"?aN)", b="%1an"}

trigraphstrloc = { -- trigraphs or more
   -- 'llatI / 'llad_I
   {a="^'ll(a)([%_]?[dt])", b="all%1%2"},
   {a="(%s)'ll(a)([%_]?[dt])", b="%1all%2%3"},
   -- al- + lām
   {a="^(a)l%-(l)", b="%1l-%2"},
   {a="(%s)(a)l%-(l)", b="%1%2l-%3"},
   -- al- + solar consonant
   {a="^(a)l%-([%_%^%.]?[tdrzsn])", b="%1l-%2"},
   {a="(%s)(a)l%-([%_%^%.]?[tdrzsn])", b="%1%2l-%3"},
   -- assim. art. + solar consonant
   {a="^(a)([%_%^%.]?[tdrzsn])%-", b="%1l-"},
   {a="(%s)(a)([%_%^%.]?[tdrzsn])%-", b="%1%2l-"},
   -- al- + initial unstable hamza
   {a="^(a)l%-([uai])", b="%1l-%2"},
   {a="(%s)(a)l%-([uai])", b="%1%2l-%3"},
   -- li-/la- + art. + initial unstable hamza is a special orthography
   {a="l([ai])%-l%-([uai])", b="l%1l-%2"},
   -- al- + lunar consonant (i.e. what remains)
   {a="^(a)l%-", b="%1l-"},
   {a="(%s)(a)l%-", b="%1%2l-"},
   -- art. with waṣla + lām
   {a="'l%-(l)", b="al-%1"},
   -- art. with waṣla + solar consonant
   {a="'l%-([%_%^%.]?[tdrzsn])", b="al-%1"},
   -- li-/la- + art. + lām
   {a="l([ai])%-l%-(l)", b="l%1-%2"},
   -- assim. art. with waṣla + solar consonant
   {a="'([%_%^%.]?[tdrzsn])%-", b="al-"},
   -- li-/la- + art. + solar consonant is a special orthography
   {a="l([ai])%-l%-([%_%^%.]?[tdrzsn])", b="l%1l-%2"},
   -- li-/la- + assim. art. + solar consonant is a special orthography
   {a="l([ai])%-([%_%^%.]?[tdrzsn])%-([%_%^%.]?[tdrzsn])", b="l%1l-%3"},
   -- art. with waṣla + initial unstable hamza
   {a="'l%-([uai])", b="al-%1"},   
   -- art. with waṣla + lunar consonant (i.e. what remains)
   {a="'l%-", b="al-"},
   -- the silent wāw
   {a="uU$", b="u"},
   {a="uU(%W)", b="u%1"},
   {a="aU$", b="a"},
   {a="aU(%W)", b="a%1"},
   {a="iU$", b="i"},
   {a="iU(%W)", b="i%1"},
   -- words ending in -āT with silent wāw/yāʾ
   {a="(_a)UA", b="A"},
   {a="(_a)U", b="A"},
   {a="(_a)I", b="A"}

digraphstrloc = {
   -- discard the ʾiʿrāb hyphen (begin)
   {a="(%-)(\"?[UI]na)(%p?%s)", b="%2%3"},
   {a="(%-)(\"?[UI]na)(%p?)$", b="%2%3"},
   {a="(%-)(\"?At[ui])(%p?%s)", b="%2%3"},
   {a="(%-)(\"?At[ui])(%p?)$", b="%2%3"},
   {a="(%-)(\"?Ani)(%p?%s)", b="%2%3"},
   {a="(%-)(\"?Ani)(%p?)$", b="%2%3"},
   {a="(%-)(\"?ayni)(%p?%s)", b="%2%3"},
   {a="(%-)(\"?ayni)(%p?)$", b="%2%3"},
   {a="(%-)([uai])(%p?%s)", b="%2%3"},
   {a="(%-)([uai])(%p?)$", b="%2%3"},
   -- discard the ʾiʿrāb hyphen (end)
   {a="(%-)(\"?[uai])", b="%1%2"}, -- hyphen + initial alif without hamza
   {a="^(\"?[uai])", b="%1"},      -- initial alif without hamza
   {a="(%s)([uai])", b="%1%2"}, -- initial alif without hamza
   {a="%-%-", b=""},
   {a="uww", b="ūw"},
   {a="iyy", b="īy"},
   {a="([tkdsg])(h)", b="%1'%2"},
--   {a="T([^uai])", b="h%1"},
   {a="T$", b="h"},
   {a="T(%W)", b="h%1"},
   {a="_t", b="th"},
   {a="%^g", b="j"},
   {a="%.h", b="ḥ"},
   {a="_h", b="kh"},
   {a="_d", b="dh"},
   {a="%^s", b="sh"},
   {a="%.s", b="ṣ"},
   {a="%.d", b="ḍ"},
   {a="%.t", b="ṭ"},
   {a="%.z", b="ẓ"},
   {a="%.g", b="gh"},
   {a="(U)(A)", b="ū"},
   {a="WA", b="w"},
   {a="(a)W", b="%1w"},
   {a="_A", b="á"},
   {a="_u", b="ū"},
   {a="_a", b="ā"},
   {a="_i", b="ī"},
   {a="%.b", b="b"},
   {a="%.f", b="f"},
   {a="%.q", b="q"},
   {a="%.k", b="k"},
   {a="%.n", b="n"},
   {a="%^d", b="d"}

singletrloc = {
   {a="b", b="b"},
   {a="t", b="t"},
   {a="j", b="j"},
   {a="x", b="kh"},
   {a="d", b="d"},
   {a="r", b="r"},
   {a="z", b="z"},
   {a="s", b="s"},
   {a="`", b="`"},
   {a="f", b="f"},
   {a="q", b="q"},
   {a="k", b="k"},
   {a="l", b="l"},
   {a="m", b="m"},
   {a="n", b="n"},
   {a="h", b="h"},
   {a="w", b="w"},
   {a="y", b="y"},
   {a="T", b="t"},
   {a="\"", b=""},
   {a="B", b=""}

longvtrloc = {
   {a="A", b="ā"},
   {a="U", b="ū"},
   {a="I", b="ī"},
   {a="Y", b="á"},

shortvtrloc = {
   {a="u", b="u"},
   {a="a", b="a"},
   {a="i", b="i"}

finaltrloc = {
   {a="ʾ", b="'"},