#!/sbin/openrc-run # Copyright 2018-2019 Robert Alessi # Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2 description="Removes whining noise from Thinkpads X200, powers off the wifi on shutdown and optionally backups directories." command="/usr/bin/intel_reg" pwmfreq="${PWMFREQ_RATE}" command_args="write 0x00061254 $pwmfreq" extra_started_commands="initbackup" autobackup="${conf_autobackup}" backup_path="${conf_backup_path}" control_file="${conf_control_file}" backup_cmd="/usr/bin/rsync" backup_args="-aAX --relative --delete --quiet" do_listofpackages() { /usr/bin/pacman -Qqetn > "$backup_path"/pkglist.txt /usr/bin/pacman -Qqem > "$backup_path"/foreignpkglist.txt } initbackup() { if [ $autobackup = "true" ] then if [ -e "$backup_path"/"$control_file" ] then do_listofpackages for dir in "${conf_backup_dirs[@]}" do if [ -d "$dir" ] then $backup_cmd $backup_args "$dir" "$backup_path" fi done fi fi } start() { if [ "${RC_CMD}" = "restart" ]; then /usr/bin/nmcli radio all off fi exec $command $command_args 2>/dev/null } stop() { /usr/bin/nmcli radio all off if [ $autobackup = "true" ] then if [ -e "$backup_path"/"$control_file" ] then do_listofpackages for dir in "${conf_backup_dirs[@]}" do if [ -d "$dir" ] then $backup_cmd $backup_args "$dir" "$backup_path" fi done fi fi }