#!/bin/sh # # $TeX Live for OpenBSD, 2024/04/27 $ cmd=$@ export tlobsd=1 function help { TLBINPATH=$(which latex 2>/dev/null | sed 's/\/latex$//') echo -e " Known actions to \033[1mtlobsd\033[0m: \033[4mhelp\033[0m\t\tPrints this page. \033[4mtlmgr\033[0m\t\tThis action accepts the exact same options and arguments as \033[4mtlmgr(1)\033[0m. \033[4mmksymlinks\033[0m\tUpdates all existing links in \033[4m${TLBINPATH}\033[0m \t\tand installs new links. \033[4mversion\033[0m\tGives version information. " } # no $cmd if [[ -z ${cmd} ]] || [[ ${cmd} == -* ]];then echo "$(basename $0): unknown action. Try \033[1m$(basename $0) help\033[0m." exit 1 # help elif [[ $1 == "help" ]];then $cmd # tlmgr elif [[ $1 == "tlmgr" ]];then $cmd [[ $? -eq 0 ]] && tlobsd-mksymlinks 1> /dev/null # symlinks elif [[ $1 == "mksymlinks" ]];then tlobsd-mksymlinks $2 # version elif [[ $1 == "version" ]];then TL_RELEASE=$(tlmgr version | awk 'FNR == 3 { print $0 }') TLOBSD_DATE=$(stat -t '%F' $(which tlobsd) | awk '{ gsub("\"", "", $10) }; { print $10 }') OPENBSD_VERSION=$(sysctl -n kern.version | awk 'FNR == 1 { print $2 }') echo "${TL_RELEASE} for OpenBSD ${OPENBSD_VERSION} (Compiled ${TLOBSD_DATE})." # something that is unknown to tlobsd else echo -e "\033[1m$1\033[0m is not known to \033[1m$(basename $0)\033[0m. Try: \033[1m${cmd} --help\033[0m if you need it, or \033[1m$(basename $0) help\033[0m." exit 1 fi