Old Standard T ============== License ------- Copyright (c) 2006-2011 Alexey Kryukov (), without Reserved Font Names. Copyright (c) 2019, Robert Alessi (), without Reserved Font Names. This Font Software is licensed under the SIL Open Font License, Version 1.1. This license is available with a FAQ at: History ------- This font is just the same as Alexey Kryukov's beautiful *Old Standard*.[^1] In comparison to *Old Standard*, *Old Standard T* includes new letters and some corrections: 1. Small capitals for Roman, Greek and Cyrillic letters, in all three styles, Regular, Italic and Bold have been added. Small capitals, which are missing from *Old Standard*, were already in use a century ago in fine books which used font faces very similar to *Old Standard*. Typical use cases of small capitals were headers, current headings and in some books proper names. 2. The letter G with caron above, that is: Ǧ (`U+01E6`, uppercase) and ǧ (`U+01E7`, lowercase) has been added. It is the only character missing from *Old Standard* that is needed in some of the accepted standards of romanization of classical Arabic.[^2] 3. Additionally, *Old Standard T* corrects the `+ss06` feature provided by *Old Standard*. This feature is supposed to distinguish between regular and ‘curly’ beta (β/ϐ) and to print ‘curly’ beta (`U+03D0`) in medial position. This feature works in most cases with *Old Standard*. However, it fails if the beta is preceded by a vowel with an acute accent taken from the *Greek extended* Unicode block. ### Why *Old Standard T*? At the time of writing, *Old Standard* was last updated six years ago. Nevertheless, the letter `T` stands for *Transient*, which means that *Old Standard T*, should only stay as long as what it features is not included in *Old Standard*. Documentation ------------- Please refer to Alexey Kryukov's documentation which is can be found here: [^1]: See [^2]: See for references the [current documentation of the arabluatex package](http://mirrors.ctan.org/macros/luatex/latex/arabluatex/arabluatex.pdf), sect. “Transliteration”.