Old Standard ============ License ------- Copyright (c) 2006-2011 Alexey Kryukov (), without Reserved Font Names. Copyright (c) 2019, Robert Alessi (), without Reserved Font Names. Please send error reports and suggestions for improvements to Robert Alessi: * email: * website: * development: * comments, feature requests, bug reports: This Font Software is licensed under the SIL Open Font License, Version 1.1. This license is available with a FAQ at: History ------- This font is just the same as Alexey Kryukov's beautiful *Old Standard*.[^1] In comparison to the previous releases of *Old Standard*, it includes new letters and some corrections: 1. Small capitals for Roman, Greek and Cyrillic letters, in all three styles, Regular, Italic and Bold have been added. Small capitals, which were missing from *Old Standard*, were already in use a century ago in fine books which used font faces very similar to *Old Standard*. Typical use cases of small capitals were headers, current headings and in some books proper names. 2. *For the time being*, a bold italic shape has been auto-generated. Of course, auto-generating shapes is not a satisfactory solution. However, it is better than using the font loader to emulate bold shapes. A real bold italic shape is planned in the versions of *Old Standard* to come. 3. The letter G with caron above, that is: Ǧ (`U+01E6`, uppercase) and ǧ (`U+01E7`, lowercase) has been added. It is the only character missing from *Old Standard* that is needed in some of the accepted standards of romanization of classical Arabic.[^2] 4. Additionally, this release corrects the `+ss06` feature provided by *Old Standard*. This feature is supposed to distinguish between regular and ‘curled’ beta (β/ϐ) and to print ‘curled’ beta (`U+03D0`) in medial position. This feature worked in most cases with the previous release of *Old Standard*. However, it failed if the beta is preceded by a vowel with an acute accent taken from the *Greek extended* Unicode block. ### Why a new release of *Old Standard*? At the time of writing, *Old Standard* was last updated six years ago. Being unable himself to contact the author, the writer, while in need to have new letters included in *Old Standard* and some issues addressed, took the decision to make a new release of *Old Standard*, while maintaining the hope that the author will one day resume the development of this typeface. ### Reference web page Documentation ------------- Please refer to Alexey Kryukov's documentation which is can be found here: [^1]: See [^2]: See for references the [current documentation of the arabluatex package](http://mirrors.ctan.org/macros/luatex/latex/arabluatex/arabluatex.pdf), sect. “Transliteration”.